Version differences
6 years ago

In this topic different versions and their differences are discussed.

#Arcade In general all revisions have following default values:

  • energy max: 180
  • difficulty: Normal
  • match count: 2
  • ranking mode: on (not sure if it makes any difference)

The differences are in the minimum settings: Rev. a

  • energy max: 100
  • difficulty: Easy
  • match count: 1

Rev. c, d and tb

  • energy max: 160
  • difficulty: Easy
  • match count: 2

Rev. tb

  • additional team battle mode (2-5 fighters, default: 3)
  • energy max: 180 (default: 200)
  • extra option "health recovery", either variable or full (describes how much the health bar refilles after beating an opponent)

#Dreamcast Only US version tested so far (differences to arcade version marked in bold):

  • energy max: 160 (normal mode and team battle, default: 200)
  • difficulty: easy (normal, hard, hardest)
  • match count: 2-5 (default: 3)
  • time limit: 30 (15, 60, no limit)
  • team battle: 2-5 players
  • health recovery (team battle): same as arcade, but has an extra option "none" (not useful)
Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
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