Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

I might try to look for your vod then and see if you did end up doing that end segment. Because if you did, I can just time it myself and get actual time(edit: it doesn’t look like it is possible for me to find that vod so unless you can somehow find it I guess that won’t be happening). I know that end segment shouldn’t even take 10 min to do, so if I were to add on time as a penalty it would only be adding only around 5 to 8 minutes probably if even that. Just Depending on what people think is most far.

Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

ok since i was made mod, i have re-added the 2 old runs for the time being, until new runs are summited i figured there isnt to much harm in keeping the old ones on for a while, even though they conflict with the current rules. whether or not i will remove those 2 runs later on once more people have done the runs, i do not currently know, ill play that by ear.

TTInquisitor bunu beğeniyor
Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

yeah, I agree that contacting you ahead of time would of been more fair. but ultimately I feel, for the sake of the games run, the change that was made is for the better.

maybe a better compromise would be to keep the runs that had been already summited on the leaderboard. while only just updating the rules, and keep them until other people such as me and mr something has summited our runs with the updated rules, then delete the outdated ones afterwards.

I dont want to be too presumptuous, but maybe this game could do with some more new active mods and that might solve the problem. just a suggestion.

On another note I will not beable to run the game for another 2 weeks due to an injury(I can only really play using 1 hand). however in the mean time i will continue to look for stuff to make the run faster.

Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

also the 7 second rule doesnt apply if you skip the intro, time would just start when you hit play on your new save, you should beable to tell by watching the rule whether or not it is a legit a new save or not, but i understand wanting to have them show them starting the new save file, just to make sure.

Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

ng+ would be starting from town with a pre-existed save i would think so like you pick your team comp to be whatever you want and use you level 99 units for the run. or whatever you want. instead of using what you get during the run

Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

i hope so. also what is the deal with intro skip? are you allowed to do it or naw? if it is any% i think under definition of any% i assume it would be, but thought i would ask

Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

changing the rules will only have to reject 2 runs. not that many, i agree that rejecting that most recent run sucks. but long term i think it will be better off, me and mr something are both interesting in running the game. ive been looking into the any% run a lot, i know mr something has too.

Mr_Something ve TTInquisitor bunu beğendi
Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

but right now you aren't ending the game, at its ending.

there is no reason we cannot change the current rules. i think it makes infinitely more sense to have time end, at the end of the game, not before. only one person so far has run the game, with a worth while time. we can change this without harming anything

Mr_Something bunu beğeniyor
Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

so we are just going to ignore that this exists? clearly not the last action the player takes, and clearly not the last cut scene, the cut scene literally ends with "the end"

Minnesota, USAkreeperkiller634 years ago

Like this is actually really dumb. End should be when the final cutscene triggers. That happens when you go back to town after final mission. When you hit the bomb time, makes actually no sense. Can we please change this

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