konu: The Site
Germanyk4FF33P0TT3 years ago

Hey there, I wanted to request a moderator addition for the game "Chasing Dead" since the old moderator wasn't active for more than 3 years. I was successful in contacting him via discord but unfortunately it seems that there is a problem with his login and he is not able to login. If you need me to provide any proof of our conversation please contact me.

Since my original run was reported 5 months ago (https://www.speedrun.com/chasing_dead/run/mk3q88lz) and hasn't been approved I would like to request to become moderator of that game. I understand that it's a bit of an unusual request to ask to be moderator while basically only having a single run but since the board for this game has basically been inactive for the last 3 years with the only submitted run being from the inactive mod I feel like this would be okay (I'm of course willing to step down if somebody with more experience would like to moderate that game)

Thanks in advance and have a nice day

ShadowDraft bunu beğeniyor
k4FF33P0TT Hakkında
6 years ago
1 year ago
Oyunlar oynandı
Chasing Dead
Chasing Dead
Son yarış 3 years ago
Takip edilen oyunlar
Chasing Dead
Chasing Dead
Son ziyaret 1 year ago
Moderatörlüğü yapılan oyunlar
Chasing Dead
Chasing Dead
Son hareket 3 years ago