New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz2 months ago

lmao this is the funniest run yet. Compare it to https://www.speedrun.com/aom/runs/yjo63edz and it so beautifully illustrates the weaknesses of the current timing rules.

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz2 months ago

Editing this to a 0:48 -- IGT starts at 0:53 and ends at 1:41

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz2 months ago

Looks like a 0:48 unfortunately :/ Starts at 0:53 IGT and there are a couple frames of 1:41 IGT without "You are Victorious"

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz3 months ago

I haven’t solved this mystery about why Oracle is only sometimes available, but another hint for someone who wants to figure it out:

In Good Advice, the trigger that grants you god powers doesn't get executed if you skip the cinematic too fast. Something similar could be happening here? But I couldn’t figure it out exactly

You can see this in my run:

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz3 months ago


This is a more general RTS speed run discord, with an AOE channel

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz3 months ago

In settings there's an option for "One click garrison" so you could just right click on the town center to garrison units. Otherwise, I think the default hot key is alt + right click to garrison.

I'd recommend the town bell hot key though, which I think is B by default. "Return to work" might be R or B by default, I forget. But once you have that setup how you like, it'd look something like:

  1. Select town center (h)
  2. Town bell (b)
  3. Set gather point on tree
  4. Return to work (b)

I've heard hot keys for god powers are possible but not through the UI, you'd have to edit you user.con or game.con file I think. There could be an argument for/against the legality of that...but if I remember right, autoqueue hot key is in the same boat on AOT? Theoretically there are some real nasty things you can do in game.con that probably shouldn't be legal, but I also don't think that god power hot keys are that big of a deal

Berix bunu beğeniyor
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

Wow, I love it. Nice find!

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

Nice find!

MooseAOM bunu beğeniyor
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

Poking holes in my own proposal...There are also cinematics like in I Hope This Works & Good Advice that you should be rewarded for skipping. So removing cinematic time definitely seems wrong.

Looking at aoe3 rules, they require players to limit to 60 fps through the "Enable VSync" setting, which is another simpler idea, assuming that actually works the same on ee vs titans vs vanilla (I think I've heard before it's kinda bugged on EE but I forget the details so I'll do some testing)

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz5 months ago

I'm definitely thinking about this more than I need to, but there are a few edge cases that should ideally be covered by an autosplitter here to keep things consistent.

The Lost Relic is one interesting case. For the IL run, you want to watch the cinematic. Whether or not you watch the cinematic, you start at the same IGT. The laborers dig during the cinematic, and therefore reduce your finishing IGT for free. But in a full campaign run, even if you did IGT + RTA in between, players should skip the cinematic since the laborers don't start digging at the very start of the cinematic (as far as I know?). Having different optimal strategies for full game vs IL runs isn't a bad thing by itself, but it feels a bit wrong when it stems from the timing method rather than any gameplay element.

Another case I'm thinking about is the fact that the IGT stops when you pause the game, open the age up dialog, or open the menu (e.g. to restart the scenario on a failed attempt). Right now IL's IGT doesn't account for this at all, but I don't think that's a problem as no one is abusing this (who needs a break in a <10 min run?). But for a full campaign run, (a) there is more motivation to abuse this, and (b) restarting a level should probably include the penalty of the time it takes for you to hit the restart button. I think the autosplitter could probably just count the RTA during these screens though.

My proposal would be:

  • IGT + LRT
  • The load remover would remove the time of the loading screen and the time of the cinematics
  • Real time would be used in the mission select menu, and any time you open a menu in game that would pause the IGT (age ups, restarting the level, pausing the game, tech trees, unit descriptions, etc.)

Such an autosplitter is probably still a tall order for a community of this size, but I do have a proof of concept that currently can replicate IGT but needs some work on victory detection & mission # awareness. If I ever find enough down time to improve it, and we have a good idea of what we want, maybe it'll happen one day :)

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz5 months ago

Impressive! the rng on this one is so frustrating

tripl9 bunu beğeniyor
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz5 months ago

Nice, congrats!

MooseAOM bunu beğeniyor
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz6 months ago

I can't explain it, but I swear you were right about oracle. I tried downpatching to 2.3 (see https://www.speedrun.com/aom/guides/55vkk for a guide) to see if you could get oracle there. Turns out you couldn't research it there either. Then I went back to the most recent patch and now I can research Oracle. I swear I checked this on 2.8 before though. Very odd.

In any case, if you wanted another possible idea: with only signal fires, you can get an underworld near Troy's town center. So you can get the sequence break that way, but your units do have to walk longer to get to the 3rd fortress, so it might still be an uphill battle

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz7 months ago

That time is the “real time” but that can vary widely due to frame rates/PC hardware, where your camera is pointing, etc. so the in-game timer is what matters for these runs.

You might also notice that the in game timer isn’t 2:21 either. But that’s because it doesn’t start at 0, so we get 2:21 by subtracting the end time from the start time.

https://www.speedrun.com/aom/forums/323wf has some more details too

I hoping to develop an auto splitter to simplify this a bit for everyone, but it’s far from perfect right now :(

Bakou_9 bunu beğeniyor
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz7 months ago

Wow, that was fast! That’s some good speed walking

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz8 months ago

Is real time used over IGT for these runs only because of the practicality of moderating & manually adding up all the IL IGT times?

I wonder if developing/using an autosplitter in LiveSplit could help with that. If I make it to the point of attempting the full campaign runs, I'm gonna look deeper in this.

Full campaign runs aren't very active in an already inactive game, so maybe a moot point but figured I'd throw the thought out there anyway

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz8 months ago

Steam makes it pretty easy to downgrade EE version to 2.6 to exploit the glitch. I was able to do so for my attempts so far (otherwise I don't see how to compete with the poseidon lure bug on 2.7+). So since it is still replicable and we're already allowing multiple versions in vanilla/titans/ee runs, it seems fine to allow to me.

Not sure if this could theoretically unleash some crazy runs in some completely broken patch version? I'm not familiar enough with the patch notes to say

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz8 months ago

JK! You can downpatch if you go to EE in your steam library -> properties -> Betas -> select the patch from the dropdown

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz8 months ago

I'm not sure that there's a way to compete with this anymore, since the lure bug was patched out of EE in path 2.7 :(

Is there a way to downgrade? Or Should there be a new category for no lure bug?

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz9 months ago

Is the sequence break just that the kraken comes to fight near the rocks on the close shore instead of the inner shores near the docks? Or is there something more to it?

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