demnigaz13377 years ago

im a total newbie w/ dumpz can some1 explain how to dupe/skip los sepulcros?

demnigaz13378 years ago


i guess this would be ok2run if its only textures right?

example GTA III winter mod

demnigaz13378 years ago

As i watched few hl/2 runs i remember there alyways was a /direktor/audio commentary basicly explaining every move on screen and afterwards. IT was very in high details as every little step was very important. Ofcourse we cant compare goldsrc/source with gta engine but i think we could learn something from it. If some1 from high elo could explain atleast one third of the game i think some few new players could be interested in. All i am asking u @lelreset could u do a audio commentary with as much details as possible with every route/strat and just explain to a total newbie why u blow up ryder and other stuff, please think about it when u gonna have some free time as i feel it would help me and others a Lot how2run the game

Ty m8 n have a Nice Day

demnigaz13378 years ago

Im a low elo 1st timer trying2ay d game and i feel like just business is a easy mission and its all about the skill, i eventualno fell that human reflex could be better then a TAS or auto aim from controller

demnigaz13378 years ago

Did some1 notice a twobugged ballas members on the side wjere smoke escape from vialpndo in first mission? ITS second time i got them and they spawn 10:50 uzi also they feel wierd af like they trippin on shrooms or something (got vods2prove) IT seems very strange

demnigaz13378 years ago

B4 few Days i expirenced a very rare unique and strane bug while playing. Client was running for about 12h then i come back n run IT, somehow the the audio of the game wasnt workin while i got music playin in the backgorund (to prove that shit i got two vods but i got very very slow upload rate ¤holla@Me¤. Basicly the whole bug was around a fast skip dialogues and cutscenes. From what i remember i was able to escape the car b4 driving IT back on catalyst also i was possible to start shooting on third round of nines n ak while big smoke was still crouchin to shot thr last of five bottles. At b dup mision i was able to to shot ballas b4 the niga on the right Said "gs goin down". Whole mistery about this 1:11133377 bug was that all dilpgues were skiped, i woul d start from grove and thw whole dilpgues would end on firstcross road. The onlY negative is that u simple cant do a lifeasbeach or Cesar vialpando bc the arrorws were spamming like the fast of Speed of dialogues. AnYways what i expirenced is some weird rare bug (i got vods to prove)

Anyways that bug gave me idea to create a custom gtasa.exe to eliminate all useless and nonsense cutscenes so People could run the game faster


demnigaz13378 years ago

why not doe? i think it could bring in new players and its a lot more competitive then whole game run imo. not everyone got so much time to practice any % but they still love that oldschool 2k4 game that every1 played as a child and it brings dem old gold memories. what bad could happen if its added? if V got trevor% i think SA should get LS%, it would "maybe" bring new players but def. a lot of new routes and strats

demnigaz13378 years ago

i think "Any LS%" should be def added

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