konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

With the first run of its kind done, I have also created a guide for those who are interested. http://www.speedrun.com/Fallout/guide/er9oy

konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

If you really want to keep dogmeat up until the military base, by all means go right ahead.


Rules: -The maximum amount of quests possible must be completed -Companion Quests are included -Ask Water Merchant To Help, Guard the caravans, Recieve your weekly issue,Dr. Lorries surgeries, and Get Training From Thomas are not required -Quests do not have to be given to be completed -You do not need to acquire the entire reward of a quest for it to be considered completed

I will be streaming a run of this on Saturday (maybe Friday) :)

konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

Another update(for those who aren't on discord):

I'm close to finishing up routing, and it seems the consensus on discord is to do as many quests as possible, not just marked quests. This means all the quests in italics that aren't cut content or redundant(see below) will be included.

Its still up in the air as to if the quests that gain companions should be included in the run or not, so if anyone here prefers yes companion quests or not, please let me know and the consensus for that will be decided.

Redundant Quests: -Ask Water Merchant To Help -Guard the caravans -Recieve your weekly issue(although the player may use this if they choose) -Dr. Lorries surgeries(although the player may use this if they choose)

Companion Quests: -Recruit Ian -Solve Phil's Canine Conumdrum -Recruit Tycho -Recruit Katja

Clashing Quests(quests that interfere with one another): -Join Khans vs. Free the Slaves(player may choose which to do) -Stop Gizmo vs. Kill Killian(players choice, if opt to kill killian, make sure you get gizmos confession first) -Bust the Skulz vs. Kill Neal(the whole town will go hostile if you kill neal, making both impossible to do, so its up to the player to choose which to do)

konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

Update(for those who aren't on discord):

-I've routed roughly half of the path, then found a HUGE error while routing, but said error is being fixed atm, and should be able to link up easily to my progress I had before noticing the error

-It turns out you can both join the khans and rescue tandi, but it you must do it in said order

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤And we really should look at all the quests and have a conversation as to if we're missing anything or if anything currently in Okahey's spreadsheet isn't needed, example being that some unmarked quests are on the spreadsheet, while others arent¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

Scratch what I said about the path, didn't realize we had to kill the mutants, so we cant warp.

Im with fexen on this, reloading at certain points just to do quests that conflict is silly. Also, what do you mean by no child patch?

konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

I'm not sure if this is where to post suggestions for a route, but I suggest anything to do with the cathedral should be done first, for several reasons:

  1. Tesla Armor and Power Fist
  2. We can warp from Necropolis to Mariposa, so I think Necropolis should come second to last objectives.

Im also thinking we should at least try to make the quests canon, so I'm thinking, for example, the conflict with rescue tandi should be resolved as, make it canon, i.e. do not join the khans. besides, canon also has it that the khan clan gets destroyed.

This is all looking like a super fancy very time consuming All Good Endings......

I like it.

I'll look more into this in the coming days.

konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

-I'll add that into the 0 key info -lieutenant animation is when you do all 1s, theres 3 options of animation he does to react to you telling him "go to hell", so thats what I mean by that -the military base bomb is just luck, where the bomb might explode early, its just a note -the bomb cathedral thing is what you explained with using c4 and the shopkeeper, I guess I should add more detail to it -I'll note the Z and M keys, all the other keys ive seen people use plenty -as far as I know, Overseer dialogue is pure RNG -mouse cursor is a pretty obvious thing, and also its blind. I dont think its worth mentioning -I was thinking of including Chops' click analysis, but I think he said that was tests with walking(?) which we dont do ever

konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

I thought about implementing BS/AGE strats into SS, it didn't work out so well considering how small of a window it is to get the combat after you've armed the nuke. It is viable for SS, but it's the least practical.

I'll edit those notes on locker for BS strats into the OP

and I've totally forgot to mention, the cave rat strat CAN save more than 3 seconds, I've gotten 14.9 caves with the strat

konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

From what I've gotten, the Lieutenant quick animation CAN save .5 second I think, that is comparing the slowest animation and the fastest animation(I believe there are 3).

And I wasn't sure about saves in this game either so I havent been implementing them in my runs yet, but I notice that if you have a quicksave already setup, the moment you get to floor 1 and quicksave, Jeremiah will immediately initiate dialogue, compared to waiting for him to initiate dialogue, which I think saves .1 seconds, but this is up for debate as to if it can be used or not. It's a small time save, but every split second counts :P

konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

Hey everyone,

Since there doesn't seem to be a thread yet for new time saves, and all time saves have either been present in videos or by person-to-person, I've decided to make a thread to dedicate where to put new time save discoveries, be it Single Segment, Best Segment, All Good Endings or Max Quest.

I'm going to start by putting down a few time savers that people might not know of yet if they're new, and going to include one i discovered yesterday. Feel free to share your time saves, unless you want to keep them for yourselves :P

If its only applicable to one category, state which category when you post it(SS, BS, AGE, MQ).

-rats starting combat in Cave(can result in less time in combat) -pressing the 0 key during the mutant in the military base, overseer, and can be held to skip ending cutscenes(BS/SS can skip ending cutscenes, AGE cannot) -lieutenant dialogue animation short(all 1s)(RNG) -lieutenant alternate dialogue route(211, rather than all 1's)(saves ~0.5 over all 1s) -Quick bomb explosion in military base(RNG)(SS) -Cathedral Shopkeeper bomb trick(if opting not to use explosives in Military Base)(see Ewil's BS vid for reference)(BS/SS) -Quicksaving to trigger Jeremiah dialogue faster(of course, set up the quicksave path before this) -Secondary Locker in military base(BS/SS, will need to have quick reflexes in Cathedral nuke arming with science) -Rarely used but useful keys: Z(rest) and M(mouse cursor style) -Spam clicking while going Southeast and Southwest -Junktown warp glitch(See: watch?v=M4lPqdtC45Q&feature=youtu.be)(AGE)(MQ)

Aaroneous ve tadyyy bunu beğendi
konu: Fallout
Virginia, USAbarrowsmane8 years ago

Just realized these forums existed, and i wish i learned of this rule change sooner, else i would've uploaded this new run earlier D:

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