Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna3 years ago

I decided to add a new category to the boards.

This category only allows submissions using the Hornet played in Battle on the Edge ("BotE").

This might raise some questions as surely the Hornet is only a Power Edition vehicle? Turns out, it's not, but I didn't know about it.

Some research after the first "secret" submission was made, I found out that the community building the supermodel emulator were aware of the hidden Hornet in BotE as early as 2013 and was able to "unlock" it for a race using a hex editor to modify savestates. If you want to submit to this category, finding and using this method to "hack" the Hornet into the selection screen IS ALLOWED.

This does not make this a "hack" category, as there is a legitimate way of playing using the Hornet in BotE. This, however, as far as I know, is a secret only known by the Marubaku group, but I can confirm I HAVE seen it been done, so I can verify it is very real.

Using the hex method does not allow the car to be tuned as the legit method does, but I'm allowing both either way because this is just a misc category and it also not considered allowed for records by marubaku. So in essence this is a "meme" category.

HornetP ve Labracktime bunu beğendi
Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

I just verified a run for Time Trial. The game reported a final time of 2'35''64 but when I add up the times manually, I get 2'35''60.

Anyone spotted this sort of timing error before? This is the first time I see it.

Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

I wrote this post in an old thread here moments ago:

(TL;DR at the bottom)

"I am fairly confident that Saturn's "Very Hard" for AI cars is the same as PS3/X360's "Arcade" difficulty setting.

Though I don't normally play on the arcade emulator due to the fact that I prefer the X360 version; I can quickly boot the Arcade up and see what changing the difficulty actually does to the game. If that, too, is only about AI cars, it should behave similar to the ports.

As for the difficulty regarding the timer in the game, I feel like it is pointless to discuss as even when the timer is set to the hardest/lowest; your run is simply not good enough for submission if you can't beat the timer."

With that, I wanted to spark some interest of anyone who is still around and read these forums; Should a difficulty be enforce for a run to be valid? Should we add different categories for the other difficulty settings?

As I mentioned, the timer can be ignored, if you can't beat it, you didn't complete the race, and your run is not valid. Simple as that, I'm sure we all agree. (Yes, you can increase the timer, but anyone beating the race on the hardest timer setting will automatically get the better time)

But what about the CPU vehicles? I've only ever played on "Arcade" (Very Hard) since the very beginning. It should come as no surprise that the actual arcade cabinets are most likely set to this option as well, as the whole point is to milk money out of customers (it's a business, what did you expect?) Anyone who's played Daytona knows how frustrating it can be when AI cars are getting in the way constantly and interrupts that otherwise close-to-perfect run you had.

So I've seen a lot of submissions lately (none rejected) playing on an easier setting. Sometimes "Normal" and sometimes all the way down to "Very Easy" (or is is Easiest/Hardest? Can't remember...) To me, personally, it does make a difference. If you play Beginner Endurance (80 laps) on the hardest difficulty, you know that a small mistake like bumping into another car, while not a big problem to you, will cause the AI cars to catch up super quickly, even if you took 1st place 20 laps ago and never made a mistake since. Then you have to deal with them all over again.

This is already a long post, so I'll round up for now. I might be the only one with this opinion, but I feel like lowering the difficulty setting of the game to anything other than the hardest is a "dishonest" act against all the arcade cabinets that we (all?) enjoyed in the past.

Please do tell me how you feel about this. Should the game always be played on hardest or should we continue to do as we please? (My vote is on making/keeping the game hard)

TL;DR: I want to enforce a new rule that Daytona USA has to be played on the hardest difficulty setting (for AI cars, timer doesn't matter). This because I feel like the easier settings (on the same leaderboards) complete makes the harder runs irrelevant (easier = usually faster/better times due to lack of AI car interference). I want your opinions.

Thank you for reading.

Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

Hello everyone!

It's been a while. Sorry for the inactivity. Real life and such. You know how it is.

I've cleaned up some minor descriptions of rules and intend on adding to them later to clear up a few points that may go "missing" due to a lack of information.

With that, I also added two new categories to the "Full-game Leaderboard"; completing All Race-tracks (single segment) for both Grand Prix and Endurance. (I know I'll be doing either one soon!)

And there has been some new activity lately from other runners, which is awesome! Keep up the good work!

Absquatula ve Bregermann bunu beğendi
Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna5 years ago

I'd like to preface this thread by saying that normally I don't like to seperate leaderboards into even further categories and subcategories. It's fun to see everyone in one, long list. I also don't have a run submitted here yet, as I only picked up this game a few days ago, but I have a few comment that you may, or may not, agree with, I just wanted to express my opinion.

  • Saturn seems inaccurate. After watching the current Championship WR, I can't help but feel that the saturn version is "too friendly" towards its player. In the video, you can see the runner making small turns with no (almost) loss of speed, while when I try to do the same playing the Arcade version on M2, I always seem to lose 5-15 kmh each time, which is a significant timeloss in comparison. I moderate the Daytona USA leaderboards and observed similar inaccuracies, again, in the saturn version of that game.

  • IL's (Time Attack) seems unfair. Please tell me if I'm wrong here, I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong. The PC version (I don't know about the saturn) has the Stratos. This car seems to be doing ~240km/h when driving straight. Compared to the original cars only doing ~220km/h. How is this the same leaderboards, especially since the Stratos was added later to the PC port? Now I've read about a "faster car" code or whatever for Arcade, but it appears to do nothing (here sound in menu, no difference in-game), so if I'm doing something wrong, please let me know.

As I mentioned, I don't like seperating games unless it's necessary, but similar to OutRun 2; each version of this game seems to be different from each other.

Again, just expressing my opinions, and I'd love to hear from you what you think of this situation, or if you think that it's all good and nothing needs to change.


mrFahrenhyt bunu beğeniyor
Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna5 years ago

Good day, folks!

Just wanting to introduce myself to those still around playing this game. I've been playing OutRun 2 on and off since I first had a Demo of it on the original Xbox, but most of the time played in the Arcade.

Not saying that I'm pro or anything (I can't even remember any of my times!) but that I'm glad to say that I'll hopefully be joining the rest of you all on the leaderboards very soon. Need to get some practice in first, though ;)

Will most likely submit on Xbox, but once the local amusement park opens up again, I might prefer to make runs on their machines instead (I already do so with Daytona)

Be seeing ya'll!

Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna5 years ago

I just verified a Saturn run which beat my previous record on the Beginner: Automatic category, but looking at the videos side by side, I really can't call it entirely fair to compare the two versions.

I'll go ahead and make some video explaining my points in more detail, but if you look at the last lap in the Saturn version, the player hits the wall in the last turn twice. The first time in which NO speed is lost at all! And the second hit brings it down to about 270 km/h. If this was the Arcade, that speed would have been reduced to 240 if not lower.

Small bumps like that continues to happen in both videos, and yet, the Saturn version tends to get punished a lot less than the Arcade.

Absquatula bunu beğeniyor
Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna5 years ago

It's not always easy to record a video of a run when played on the actual arcade hardware when compared to the comfort of your own home. So here are the ground rules for when submitting a run:

NEW! The only accepted emulator is Supermodel SVN 779 (or newer)! This is due to a recent change in emulation which affects timing, changing how supermodel times frames. More information can be read on the supermodel website.

  • A video is required. Simple as that, however, this requirement differs depending on how it run was played. If you played on the Supermodel in your home, you MUST submit a video of the full run, starting from the Boot-up screen of the emulator itself (just the track is no longer allowed!) screen.

If you playing the true arcade, your video should ideally start before your start naming your score entry. The video needs to show your surroundings (that this is indeed an Arcade Machine, perhaps show that there are others lined up for the network play etc.). Recording may stop after your name is displayed with your time and all options before the going back to the menu.

If you have submitted runs in the past, I may choose to allow submissions with no video proof to be accepted if you've convinced me prior that the score entry name you choose is actually the name you normally use (I always use 'VAR' everywhere)

I might have more information here in the future, or if you disagree with what I've lined out here, feel free to reply!


Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna5 years ago

Excuse the dust and incomplete categories! I'm still working on setting everything up and defining categories and so on.

If you feel like something should change, feel free to request so here or in a seperate thread!

I'm new to being a moderator on speedrun.com, but I hope we can all work together to create something fair and awesome! :)

Västra Götaland, SwedenVaruuna5 years ago

The name's Varuuna and I've been playing Daytona for a VERY long time, but never professionally/competitively.

I recently picked this game (and the rest of the series) up again after talking to some friends about what would be a fun game that I could play and/or stream practically every day without getting bored of it. They thought Daytona USA seemed fitting, so here I am!

While I've only been lurking this leaderboard recently, I've been playing and improving myself over the past 7 days, which much more time to practice to come, so you'll probably see me quite active.

Apologizing for barging in like this only a day after my own run submission (I know it takes time, so no offense to anyone) but I was concerned about the activity of these leaderboards. If we need a new, active, moderator, I'd be willing to volunteer for the position, but only if the current moderators accept.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope I'll see more of you in the future!

Varuuna Hakkında
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