United StatesStoige4 years ago

When is there gonna be a vote?

United StatesStoige4 years ago

Does anyone know when and what updates the physics where changed? I'm currently looking into how easy it is to change the version and even if it's possible with Golf with your friends

United StatesStoige4 years ago

I think we should just make another category without space and have people enter the version there on if possible. Cause realistically people can just use the fastest version for the individual level runs (which should be fine) and need to run the new versions for the the new main categories that include space. That seems the most fair.

We could also maybe add more moderators to help if too many are inactive. I'm not sure how this works as I'm fairly new to speedrunning logistics but have been watching for a while.

We definetly need a vote and then some action.

United StatesStoige4 years ago

The reason I think physics changing is a big deal is because we have no way to go a version back or pick the version (if I'm not mistaken). We should maybe add what version we are using when submitting runs so that we can maybe keep more track of this kind a thing. I agree with Roushmore if the time save is no longer possible it kind of makes it a little unfair. I still like archiving all the old runs instead of just removing. Maybe a category that doesnt accept entries or whatever (not to familiar with that side). Do you know when a vote and decision will be made?

ureadmyname bunu beğeniyor
United StatesStoige4 years ago

I'm no mod but if the physics changed I think that's a bigger cause to reset the leaderboards. A big part of me wants to somehow preserve the runs so that people can look more at them.

Does anyone know how the physics changed?

United StatesStoige4 years ago

@NinjazFTW64 The game has been added since this thread. So if you want to submit your times, only one other person runs it I believe!


United StatesStoige4 years ago

I know that the rules state that Left/Right is against the rules. But on the Switch (Official Hardware) you can use the procontroller and in Theory do left right at the same time. I don't know a lot about Left/Right and it's application but I was just curious about they're being a "legal" way to do left right.

Not even sure if Left/Right works on the switch, it's just an idea.

If anyone can give insight more about Left/Right and Up/Down that'd be great!

United StatesStoige5 years ago

What are the major differences between the Japanese and American version of the game?

Are there any text differences too?

Thank you for your time!

United StatesStoige5 years ago

I want to rgb mod my NES but I can't find a good service that does it to component instead of hdmi Anyone know of a good website?

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5 years ago
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