New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Will you keep the pictures that already exist? Because it’d be hard to supply a video now that they’re done

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Yeah I was a bit confused by the 100% category seeing how these games treat “100%”. Mario and Sonic London are the only games that I know of that has Percent completion counter in it and that’s just London Tour RNG for hours and hours and hours. I think this mode doesn’t need more categories currently. Playing 6+ hours of this game in a row probably would get tiresome after a while. However I think the sensible thing to do is Circuit+Mission, or just just any% all modes. But this comes from someone who doesn’t own and hasn’t played this game in over 5 years, so I may be wrong.

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Really? I’m surprised, I haven’t played this game in a while. Whelp, it was worth a try.

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

I mean there’s a lot of approaches to this- skipping certain boring events- hockey,curling, Dream shooting etc. to evade this. A true “Any%” May not be a good answer. This is just an open discussion on what to do

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

I’ve been practicing all gold medals for a little while now and I’ve run into a bit of a problem. The category is fun...all for a few of events that completely ruin it just because you must get first. Curling, Dream shooting and Dream Halfpipe are terrible because of the extreme good amount of RNG you must get. This basically goes for most events- your skills could just be undermined because of the game making up numbers. Any% would fix this but making the run more fun to run because I’m retrying events like 5-10 times praying that something good happens. I hope you take this into consideration. -SonicSam

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Thanks, I’ll start runs soon!!

Spielpro bunu beğeniyor
New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Spielpro, It just means play through the event not necessarily winning the events. Jem makes it a good point the events like Dream Halfpipe and Mongols could go much faster in this category. In MaSWOG wii. This makes the Olympic Events fun: finding strategies to complete an event as quick as possible. Secondly, I think it means all events like all gold medals. All golds implies that it’s every Event in the category. In this game Jem, there are many different events bonded to one category, like 5 skiing events and 3 skating events.

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

I see that Dutch, BUT, the thing that I’m still confused about is why didn’t the camera angles change for the 2nd Jump. You did my strategy, the one that gets 17.7-18.5.

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

I’m looking to run this game. But I have a question before I start to run this game it being what level should the CPUs be. If it’s true “all gold medal” hard difficulty would be the option. Now these hard CPUs are insane and would auto turn me away. Plz make this more clear

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

In Mario and Sonic London, Mr. Fun (and soon I) utilize this strategy (an example is at Fencing and Cycling) Also, this the main thing Mr. Fun did in Max%, using two + controllers to make it a lot easier and quicker. I would think set the standard across all games or just make specific rules for each game.

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

That would kinda pointless, curling and dream curling, ski jumping and Halfpipe (and probably others) are random so you’d have to overshoot them to win, and obviously lose time. You basically can beat every event (other than the ones above) and barely lose time anyway. The speed run would be hard to master because of this. This is why I personally would want Olympic Events max% where it’s all the Differnt events not juts the types. This is just my opinion anyway ^_^

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

My B, sorry, just other shit was happening around the time a wrote that. I didn’t mean to seem like An ass for no reason. I don’t even remember the fuck I was thinking.

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

nes, Lol alrighty than :(. I guess that this isn’t a big enough game to have some “black magic” shit to record times. So... I guess the Olympic Events category is pretty dead unless someone is willing to grind the fuck out of it to get it. And this all started because I was salty that I wasted like 3 hours of runs (mr Fun is too damn lucky) :P. Balance Board here I come!

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Welp... um... ok. I guess my goal is all the ils then. Can’t believe you got unmodded for a dumb reason. Guess I’m doing balance board and one more festival, then I’m prob out until things change :(

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Conmangamer Yea but I really don’t want to wait forever for them to make an auto splitter. (Also I love that you, not a mod, is telling me about this). I guess I’ll focus on Ils for now. ALso for reference, when DID the mods agree on that.

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Mr. Fun However as that would address the problem it wouldn’t fix it. One of us two (or someone else) could just have a solid run with stupid load times. Then it will turn into a grind for good Loads. And if I figure out it IS loads, Im not going to bother with this game anymore. Face the reality that this is a cheap mingame collection on the Wii. (I already saw that your Alpine load time was faster btw)

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Alrighty this is going to be a long one... Comparing my 17.46.4 to Mr. Fun's 17:42.22 it can be concluded that loads did have an influence. Firstly the time differences, this is 4.2 seconds. This will mean more later. Going into curling I was roughly at 13:52 while Mr. Fun was at 13.51. This means I lost roughly 3.2 seconds on curling. This doesn't make much sense, seeing that in the events I was easily about 5-7 seconds AHEAD before curling. Which would be a WR HeyAll go through all the events (and fuck I just realized that the times were cut off of the recording :( ): Slalom: I lost like 2.5 seconds roughly. Moguls: I gained 2.223 seconds because of better movement (17.7 to 19). Halfpipe compared to Mr.Fun's about 23.2 halfpipe I got 19.8. Speed Skating was 28.7 while Mr. Fun got a 31.1. I PBed to Skeleton getting a 1:05.7(-8) savings a second. I can't find too bad of menuing and I maybe saved a bit on Ice honkey character selection. ( To be continued). Adding in extra + and - cuz I probably missed something. We get a -6 (WR) for me adding the 3.2 yields a WR. Ok, so by the end I’m - 2.8 the WR (about a 17.39.4) but I still have a unaccounted 7 seconds to give me my 17: 46.4. It has to be loads even if there was (for example 5 seconds of mistakes).

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

So recently I’ve done two runs of Olympic Events getting 17:45-46 both times. And I’ve realized in practice that the loading times are stupidly erratic (like loosing or gaining upwards of .7 seconds on Alpine alone) This is a BIG stretch and tell me if this is BS but Time without loads. I haven’t fully checked that my runs had longer loads than Mr. Fun but just in general. I don’t want to think that my runs could or have been fucked over my Wii u

New York, USASonicSam6 years ago

Can you 100% make sure that you on cycling had the difficulty on normal. I’m not salty or accusing you of cheating in any way, just I’m perplexed that you saved a minute + on that. Just to be clear the rules say all normal cpus. Sorry for your time -SonicSam

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