FranceSenen1 month ago

Done. :)

modahabbab bunu beğeniyor
FranceSenen1 year ago

Oh damn, I’m stupid. xD I’ve been grinding Beginner Heartside too much and forgot the regular level didn’t auto-turn black and somehow it confused me. Well, thanks for answering me this fast! :)

Edit: Tried to delete the thread as it turns out to be a really silly question, but it only deleted my first message. Oh well, title says it all.

FranceSenen4 years ago

Hey so I got a notification for my run being revalidated, so props for retiming everything. But I see leaderboards have changed since the time I submitted my run and somehow it ended up in "All Bombs (Detonation Allowed)" but I don't think I ever used a post-solve detonation (it wasn't a known tech at that time), so I'm not sure why it's not in any%.

(Same goes for the coop run I submitted with Heruringa back in the days.)

FranceSenen6 years ago

I've never seen that strat. I don't think it's fast enough or easy enough to become a main strat. But a1 is the worst thing ever and everyone has his own twist on it, so one more alternative strat is always welcome. As Gelly said, IF you can easily jam the gun, I could see some people using it. :)

Edit: new strat or not, you started a fire on the Discord and now every body is trying new stuff to improve A1 lmao. Always nice to have new faces come and spark new things. :)

konu: Celeste
FranceSenen6 years ago

What would be the difference between "175 strawberrys & all red/blue hearts" and "100%"? I guess "175 strawberrys & all red/blue hearts" doesn't require to have a "level completed in one run" flag in the menu, but you would do it anyway in speedrun so I fail to see how the difference is relevant. Am I missing anything else?

Also, I haven't messed at all with the Assist Mode yet, but if I understood correctly, you can tune how many dashs you have in this mode, and that sounds like a pretty good misc category. Time will tell if it has any potential to be a good category or not.

FranceSenen6 years ago

You have two All Area runs: Chicken and Melting, your Chicken run is faster than your Melting one, so depending on some settings SRC considers it "obsolete".

Basically, we have three possibilities for displaying runs:

  1. displaying all different char as different categories, which makes a lot of sense but would clutter the leaderboard a lot with a lot of empty categories
  2. displaying all character specific pb on one single leaderboard
  3. displaying your pb accross all characters

Option 2 and 3 both allow to filter by character if you want. Right now we're using option 3 but there have been discussions on switching to 1, it's just hard to do it without making the lb look really bad and empty with runs being currently almost all done with Steroids. We might try option 2 as a transition, to incentivize more people to submit pb on different char, but it will quickly make the lb grow and become hard to read.

Anyway, back to your question, since currently we're on option 3, by default only your best run, so your Chicken run, appears on the leaderboard. You can filter by character to see your Melting run and compare to other Melting runs though (spoiler: right now you're the only one with a Melting All Area run). Because of that configuration, on your profile SRC thinks your Melting run is "obsoleted" by your Chicken run so it doesn't appear there by default either. It wouldn't be the case if we were using option 1 (and I have no idea if it would be the case with option 2), so really, it's 100% a cosmetic term used by SRC.

FranceSenen6 years ago


Looks like the lb is in "Filter->Character->Steroids" by default, instead of "Filter->Character->Any". No idea why, can't look at it right now, I'll try to look at it later today or tomorrow if fishmcmuffins hasn't fixed it by then.

(I still need to experiment with other ways to display/categorize characters on this lb since the current one is far from perfect, might be a good occasion to do it. :p)

FranceSenen7 years ago

Last time I checked that LB I transfered all the runs from that LB here, for completion sake. I'll try to check regurlaly if new times are added. Also, I still want to transfer every time (with video evidence) from Ultime Decathlon to here, I've started but lacked the time to do it completely.

FranceSenen7 years ago

You can't have misc. for subcategories.

FranceSenen7 years ago

It was in discussion some weeks ago and I wanted to experiment with it but got busy with other IRL stuff. It will probably happen soon, at least to try. There's a risk it makes the lb look cluttered with kinda empty categories, but we'll see.

In the meanwhile, as you said you can filter by char, which allows you to see everybody's pb on the char you're interested in. You can always submit a character specific pb, even if it doesn't beat your "general" pb.

Tiger_Lotus bunu beğeniyor
FranceSenen7 years ago

Yeah, Rogue is unlocked by sitting on a throne. You can't sit on Throne I because you need to loop for Rebel, but you can kinda sit on Throne II. Which means Boiling Veins is almost a must have, so even more rng on top of all the rng. Definitely not a category I'll bother grinding.

FranceSenen7 years ago

Btw, I just realized that the "Filter" tool already works like it should. For instance in 1 Char All Areas, Zigouigoui is 1st for Fish and Eyes, while being 11th for Steroids.

So yeah, we can go for either option 1 or option 2 (or neither) to give more visibility to char specific lb, but it's noteworthy that you can already access it right now so putting your different characters' pb on SRC is not a waste. I've added Tantuz's pb for each character in Any% if you want some competition on there. :)

FranceSenen7 years ago

I made a first try for cleaning up categories. Tell me if anything seems off to you or if you think there's a better way to display things. As far as I'm concerned, it looks way better than earlier today with the 8 different categories all jumbled together.

FranceSenen7 years ago

It's not a NT speedrunning Discord, it's a NT Discord. Very few speedrun discussion out there so far. Here.

Also, yeah, for second possibility, you can filter by character which allow you to see a specific character lb. My only worry is that it fills the standard leaderboard too much.

Edit: Oh, I just realized you ask about the Discord where we first started to discuss categories. It's a Discord server for a french "speedrunning competition" called Ultime Décathlon, last year one of the game we competed on was Nuclear Throne, so we had quite some people running the game. We still talk about it a lot. (Also, now that we're mods, I'm probably gonna add all the runs from then on SRC.) But a proper place to do it would be better, maybe we should ask for a #speedrun channel on the NT discord server or something.

FranceSenen7 years ago

Hey, we were discussing about how to order this lb on Discord and I thought it might be a good idea to discuss more about it here.

The main points of the discussions were:

  1. Right now there's A LOT of categories, it might be a good idea to either put some into Misc. or to use subcategories.

My suggestion would be to have categories for 1 char / 12 char / Co-op / Unlock all char and then use these subcategories:

  • 1 char -> any% / all area / captain
  • 12 char -> any% / all area
  • Co-op -> 2 players / (3 players?) / 4 players
  • Unlock all char

(Edit: also the NTT fans around here could argue in favor of a NTT subcategory. Which would be perfectly fine imo.)

  1. Several people are discouraged to post their run here because only your best char counts. This leaderboard is basically a Steroids leaderboard.

With 12 different characters in the game I'm not sure it's an easy problem to solve because each solution has pros and cons but we could at least talk about them.

i) We could create 12 subcategories, one for each char. That'd create a lot of subleaderboards and most of them would be mostly empty at first. But that could motivate people to compete on other characters and submit runs that aren't Steroids.

ii) Alternatively, we could keep character played as an option but also enable it as a subcategory. We would keep only one leaderboard that way, but your pb for each character would appear in it and you can filter by character within two clicks. There's a risk of flooding the leaderboard if everybody start uploading their pb for all 12 characters, but I'm not convinced it would be that bad. And if it comes to that, then that'd mean we have plenty of runs for each char and we could switch to the "12 subcategories" alternative.

To give examples, first possibility is used by the Enter the Gungeon community: http://www.speedrun.com/Enter_the_Gungeon#1_Character Second community is used by the Resident Evil 4 community: http://www.speedrun.com/re4 (see how ROTO has two runs in there, one with 60FPS, one with 30FPS)

(Edit: done.)

Zigouigoui bunu beğeniyor
FranceSenen7 years ago

[quote]One suggestion from a friend is to make All Stages the main category and accept this glitch in the current Any%, which I would never, ever play anymore.[/quote]

Yeah, I don't run the game so I have no say in the decision, but to me that seems to be a pretty natural decision. But that would mean the all levels run become the main category which is kinda sad as it adds an autoscroller. So yeah, interesting yet terrible discovery. :D

FranceSenen7 years ago


So, some members of the Ultime Décathlon community have done a race on Aladdin yesterday and two of them skipped the desert level.

We tried to look on the internet but found no mention of this skip so we guessed it was something new and unknown and after quite some time we (mainly Psychowse) have managed to find a way to do it consistently.

The steps required for this skip:

  1. You need to change the default binds to C/A/B instead of B/A/C
  2. Then you need to wait for the game to show the demo of Abu's minigame with the pots falling from the sky. The demo actually plays prerecorded inputs and since you've changed the binds, Abu will jump instead of slashing his sword and that will end this level, start the following cutscene and then loads the desert level.
  3. Once it's done, you quit the demo, start your run and play the game. At the end of level 1, the game will load the level 3, skipping the level 2 entirely.

You can watch it explained and shown here (in french).

Since the RTA timing starts after the main menu, I guess it should save time for all categories. :)

just_tako bunu beğeniyor
FranceSenen7 years ago


  1. Pretty much all games that loop has a one loop category, which is nice because it's shorter and less repetitive.
  2. The "there is no bad ending, period" statement is highly arguable.
  3. "I personally don't agree that it should be a category but there are a lot of people playing it", what kind of logic is that? Having a lot of people running a category is probably the best reason why it SHOULD be a category.
  4. UltimeDécathlon had a community of nearly 100 people running Bad Ending last year. There are 10 people right now on the SRC leaderboard. I'm not saying all UD runners would have submitted their time on SRC, but I'm pretty sure we would have filled it with several tens of submissions. https://www.ultimedecathlon.com/championship/s3/super-ghouls-n-ghosts
Little_Maille, roni77nf ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
FranceSenen8 years ago

I haven't said mods should never be allowed. I said mods that give an advantage against running the official game shouldn't be allowed in the same category (and that's the way most communities work, except some very specific cases). Heck, even if it was slower, I wouldn't like it, as it is a different game, but at least that wouldn't mean you have to play it to be competitive.

I'm all for an NTT solo category in the leaderboard if that's what you want. But allowing NTT runs in an NT leaderboard is basically asking runners to play a different game than the one whose title is the name of this leaderboard. I know it's a very similar game, but it's still a different game. Drops work differently, portals work differently, weapons (on the ground) work differently, statues work differently. It's not the same game. Plus, if we allowed as it's not official, at any point the author can change whatever he wants in it which may raise once again the question of allowing the mod or not.

FranceSenen8 years ago

I don't get what you're trying to tell with the Project M example. Nobody plays PM saying that they're playing Brawl. Because that would be stupid. So they make different leaderboards/tournament specifically for that mod. If you want to create a new NTT leaderbord on SRC, be my guest.

Also, NTT is not only more consistent but also faster (portal spawning on you instead of where the last enemy dies matters on a run that short, for instance, and that's not a bug fix that's just a QoL change.) So yeah, legalizing it would mean we'd have to choose between being competitive or actually playing the game whose name is the title of this leaderboard. Well, that sucks, imo.

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