konu: The Site
RussiaMekarazium3 years ago

Supermod of The Darkness II is inactive for 3 years, with no ways to reach him. Can i get supermod rights to assign a couple of other verifiers for the game?

ShadowDraft bunu beğeniyor
RussiaMekarazium3 years ago

gonna give it a try tomorrow, never saw it in any other runs i saw or did. i assume you skipped one of the triggers that make you walk like a snail, and the triggers in this game don't actually care if any other "core" characters are at the same place, as long as the player is. you can witness this pattern in literally any other level of the game, most notably escape section w/ oob jump

RussiaMekarazium3 years ago

If you have Steam ver. of the game: scroll downwards, find DLC's, remove Orbs/Souls ones. Costumes are fine. https://prnt.sc/v07dxr for reference If you don't have (somehow) Steam ver. :find a file called MEX.ini, find a line called EnableDLC = 1 (or something like this), and change 1 to 0. If you own a PS4, try checking game settings, idk, i don't own PS4.

konu: The Site
RussiaMekarazium3 years ago

dotabuff was really lit. ayylmao is still alive for some reason.

gl pac.

Lawliepop bunu beğeniyor
RussiaMekarazium3 years ago

5se won't prolly change anything, despite the ideas behind m3 skip and other memes could be rip. with (5) or without (5DM) skips, this game's barely alive and i question the chances the board will get more runners if v skips would be removed from the main run.

konu: The Site
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

Can i get an upgrade to Super Mod in Dota2? Current mod was last online 2 years ago and there's no way to reach him rn.

Habreno bunu beğeniyor
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

Download the file, add an element to your LS layout called Scriptable AutoSplitter, select the file, switch to the Game Time.

Habble bunu beğeniyor
konu: Dota 2
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

Fixed, i guess.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

It will only clump the leaderboards, making them look like total garbage.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

(2.3*2) times #of missions equals +/-difference. sucks that emu's faster, because i was sure that it's other way around.

can uh, we just try to count the runs by the time you spent fighting maybe? solves loadtime problem, but screws up the mashing in between the segments though. making leaderboard a mess would suck, but meh

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

I made these changes to prevent the original NG+ cata being clumped by the categories. Instead, you have a difficulty that has default settings, hardest settings, and fastest settings, resembled by Devil Hunter, DMD and Heaven or Hell.

Given the nature of the game, and the fact that difficulties actually matter (AI behaves differently, enemy spawns differ in SoS, DMD vs. Human, DH, vs. LDK), and the existence of Super Costumes, managing the board while not making the board look like garbage (refer to DMC3:SE or DmC: DMC boards), was already a difficult task.

So i came up with the solution of splitting the difficulties on boards between two NG+ Itemless categories. Since you can't manually create another entry in a database with the same name, one e is replaced with russian е.

Two categories will have same ruleset. Main category covers the original idea of what NG+ Itemless should represent. Misc. category represents meme-tier runs, atleast for now (looking at Human smh). Atleast for the time being, i didn't saw anyone taking NG+ Itemless to an extreme levels of optimizations, and majority of the runs were made to make memes real, and original boards look like garbage.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

correct me if i'm wrong, it was a really long time since i was playing uc from a fresh start, but how are you gonna get "maxed up characters" without fighting in dojo or finishing quests? you don't get xp from Duels outside of uc afaik.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

and hows ng+ gonna change uc, given the only thing you do in storymode is unlocking the characters for the run?

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

excuse me, define your meaning of glitch, as

hows jumping over a fight in m2 is a glitch? hows using V's teleport to skip a fight in m9 is a glitch? hows using cane to preserve inertia from Shadow's launch in m9 is a glitch? hows despawning a fight by stepping inside of a purple orb trigger in m10 is a glitch? hows utilizing 4 jumps in m12 is a glitch?

unless we count console exclusive glitches that aren't well explored yet (as they require 1.00 phys. version or smth), hows these things above would change the run, except the fact that you'll have to spend 20 seconds doing the exact same patterns you've done before?

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

there's only one oob during an HOUR AND A HALF long-run, that saves astonishing TWO MINUTES. damn, probably changes the entire run strat, makes the game look like 4D-indie trash, and absolutely requires over 100500 frameperfect inputs on a specific controller on a specific console of a specific version of the game that was released in a specific region of the planet Earth and if you don't have my version of the game then you don't have a right to touch the game, because you won't have any chances of beating a clearly unoptimized world record that you want to snatch by making 0 effort at actually learning the game.



RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

i'll use whatever sanity i have left to not start a shitshow.


RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

inb4 nobody will make a run of that cancerous mode once category will be created.

unlocking characters would also require you to clear hero's story atleast once, including dojo fights that don't change any basic mechanics, unless you enjoy mashing X to skip lvlup messages.

konu: The Site
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

Oh, sorry for inconvenience. Might be related to the browser cleanup i've done.

konu: The Site
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

Is there's something going on with the themes?

Up until now, you could browse the site (pretty much everything, except for settings), with your profile theme, and right now site uses regular dark theme at all pages that are not your profile.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago


There's no Discord, as there's not really that big amount of runners. I think i've optimized all the major catas pretty well, maybe except NG+ Darkness Powers Only, so if you want to run the game, feel free to do so.

Mekarazium Hakkında
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