United StatesLeftoverGaming2 years ago

Didnt know there was also a discord. Just remember when I forst saw the page an askingnof new ideas for categories so I dropped it here lol. But yea i'll head over to the discord for the future.

The stuff you listed is interesting but I would wonder what your guidelines for how to start and when the run is counted as 'ended'.

Volandimer bunu beğeniyor
United StatesLeftoverGaming2 years ago

Starting this thread for new categories i've been thinking of let me know what ya'll think:

Minibike% - starts when you load into a new world and ends when you gas up and sit on the minibike

Motorcycle% - " "

4x4% - " "

All Crafting% - ends when you have one of each crafting station (workbench, chem station, forge, cement mixer)

Level% - I think max level is a big ask for a speedrun but 30/40/50 would be a lot more doable

Steel Fortress% - ends when you have a 20x20 (or there abouts) base upgraded to steel blocks

Thats what i've come up with so far would love to hear more from you guys and figure out the balancing and proper rules. Happy Smashin!

mossfis, B0atmas, ve Kl0zer bunu beğendi
United StatesLeftoverGaming2 years ago

Its a good question. I took it as 'fastest to unlock tier 5' meaning aa soon as you complete the return part of the queet to the opening trades for tier 5 you stop the clock.

United StatesLeftoverGaming2 years ago

GG, I guess I know what im doing today

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