Ontario, CanadaKitoko4 years ago

With the addition of artifacts, you can now use stuff like Command (As seen from Risk of Rain 1) to pick your items. Would artifacts be allowed like they are in Risk of Rain 1 or would they become their own subcategory?

konu: Ball Race
Ontario, CanadaKitoko4 years ago

A lot of Summit has no moving platforms at all. Only 8, 9, and 10 do.

Another issue that comes with verification is a method of verification that the player can either not worry about or use minimal effort to prove it.

konu: Ball Race
Ontario, CanadaKitoko4 years ago

The melon rotation seems to be at a fixed rate so it could work. Though, it's hard to tell between levels because you're not always facing the same direction. It would be a lot of work.

konu: Ball Race
Ontario, CanadaKitoko4 years ago

I propose to use the Experience Bar at the bottom of the screen as a means of verification. It only goes up and you can't make it go down unless a developer changes it for you. Not only that, it only goes up in set increments (difficulty, deathless, or melons) and you know exactly how much the player is getting.

Ontario, CanadaKitoko4 years ago

I have yet to capture card my N64, but here's my current progress on Ultra: https://i.imgur.com/WbOs30p.jpg I got the 0:49 several years ago and I'm still trying to beat it to this day...

Ontario, CanadaKitoko4 years ago

I'm actually gonna do 0.9.3 for a mini NASA Marathon, and I wanted to get back into this game anyway, so I put 0.9.3 Any% into it since it's the version I know the most and I know it has a lot of players too, so there will be a lot to talk about.

Alistair_Findlay, Alayan ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

So, I have a few questions regarding runs in this game. I want to get into this game's speedruning but I have a couple questions to ask that don't seem to be in the forum.

Lunar coins. Would lunar coins be allowed at all? Would the lunar shop even be allowed at all in any category? Is so, how many lunar coins are we allowed to use in a run, etc.

Next, in the rules it states that in order to post a run you have to include a bit of footage of a previous and future attempt. Does that apply to new submissions or improvements, and how does it help the verification process?

Lastly, versions. Are runs expected to play on the latest version always?

Voanhs bunu beğeniyor
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

If you can manage beating up the CPU in all the other levels handily, you don't really need to fiddle with the settings at all, unless you can change the duration of the match. That's about all I have to say on the matter, but it does sound fascinating; I wonder if it's possible to have quick drop for Puyo Puyo in modes other than Party and Tiny? That would actually be nice to have during story mode.

ruunix2 bunu beğeniyor
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

This being a first real-life marathon, I think it was a great way to experience something new.

Lets start with the cons:

  • The Wi-Fi certainly sucked here. Our hotel room was so far away from the main desk that we could only get coverage in certain parts of the room and none of them were on the beds or anywhere convenient. I had to lay on the floor to at least get coverage. Anywhere in the event was fine, though.
  • The network speed for the event was great but I heard someone asking around if someone was downloading anything because the stream was dropping frames, leading me to believe it was not consistently fast.
  • Given the event ran 24/7 I saw it rather inconvenient that registration was not handled 24/7 as I got to meet a guy standing outside the doors waiting for registration to open.
  • I also found it quite inconvenient that nobody notified me of my schedule change, of my run being transported 2 hours later. I had to scramble and make a new name on Discord just to tell everyone the run would be later because none of the staff let me know and it wasn't until i skimmed over the schedule at the event that I saw the change.
  • A lot of the CRTs stopped working. It's not really anyone's fault, I just felt it was a big shame to go and buy some CRTs and have them not work anymore.
  • Being the guy on a lot of the nightshift and morningshift runs to watch them, I feel like they could have gotten a better crowd to watch them, that they deserved more people to watch them. I tried my best to stick around and keep the lonely early morning runners company (and fueled them with Timbits) but there is not much that can be done to help this.
  • I heard the event is probably going to be in USA next year. It will be difficult to get there due to plane costs if I want to go, but I can imagine it was the same for pretty much everyone else not in Canada. Money is always tight here, so it might make 2020 a potential no-show. This is a really weak con due to the fact that it's purely subjective. I just hope that it gets an equal share of being in USA and Canada.
  • The fact that not many people cleaned up for themselves made the tables quite messy.

Now for the pros:

  • I really loved meeting people here, and made so many friends. Most people were quite friendly, and I got to make some new friends. It completely blasted my expectations out of the water for what I perceived online to actually talking to them for real. Some people were actually a lot closer to me than I realized, meaning I now have people to visit.
  • It was a great positive atmosphere. Everyone did their best to keep the event positive. Extreme shoutouts to RaikouRider because he did an exceptionally good job at that and I'm so proud of him and his runs. Positivity helped keep the energy going and really made the event the mood that it really is.
  • It's small enough to be able to get to know people really well, but big enough to be a fun experience.
  • Everyone can be who they are, and that's what I really enjoy about a marathon about this, it's designed to show people how moving speedrunning is and how much passion players put into it. Keep it this way, and I will definitely want to attend just for this.
  • The staff were understanding and clear with pretty much everything, and also set up everything quite nicely.
  • The room was spacious and free to move around in while seating pretty much everyone in the event.
  • The selection of games to play as also amazing.
  • The selection of speedruns was also really fun, a lot of good laughs and a lot of really amazing things to see, and compelling enough to make me want to try some of those games too. For the event being a literal show-and-tell for speedrunners, it does it's job correctly.
  • The support from other members was amazing. I got congratulations for my run after the run was over, and everyone was polite about it. Everyone treats one another with so much respect.
  • The ice water cooler was an absolute necessity, gotta stay hydrated. Keep it forever. Keep water-san with us. (Please don't take this literally and draw a cute face on the water cooler)
  • The projectors were top-notch and super clear. A lot of the times it was easier to look at the projector than look at the runner's screen, which is what they are there for.

And finally some suggestions:

  • We could have some snack bar to snack on because snacks are awesome.
  • Maybe at some point we can have a multiplayer block at the end of the marathon for just having good old multiplayer fun just like we were kids on the N64.

Overall I had a fabulous time and I really hope everyone else did too.

Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

So, I noticed something when booting Puyo Puyo Tetris for the first time since I would close it to play another game, and go to the same menu when opening it again.

It seems that RNG in this game is seeded when you start a match (Much like older Puyo Games) and is also time-based.

https://puu.sh/Dh3Pn/1d652fef06.png https://puu.sh/Dh3TH/ceb846f9ba.png Before beginning, set the music to what you want, and set the background to random. To get this set-up, you have to spam through the menus and pick two characters, puyo and tetris.

It seems to not matter which character you pick.

If you have yourself set up to have preset music and preset background, you'll get this instead: https://puu.sh/Dh42G/928fbb7121.png

This seems to be what happens on PC. I don't know about Switch or PS4, I have yet to try this on Switch. Will edit later.

Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

If you wanna run PC windows with direct capture you can use DxWnd. https://sourceforge.net/projects/dxwnd/

Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

So, I'm not sure if this applies to other versions of the game yet, as I only have this for PC.

I found out, that the RNG apparently counts from the boot-up of the game, and you can seed it by selecting the difficulty level. https://puu.sh/D9KHh/3041d57535.png https://puu.sh/D9KHM/fd07998f5e.png Here is the same exact starting puyo, both in Normal and Hard. You can set up an example by spamming the A input to get through the menus as quickly as possible. You should end up with the same colours, if not a recognizable set. It seems to advance this RNG once every half second before you pick a difficulty level (Though, this has not been tested thoroughly, and the internal values not yet checked) The only time it changes the puyo you get seems to be when selectign a difficulty, or advancing to the next stage, meaning you will always get the same series of puyo in the first stage if you apply correct timing.

With this, you can at least learn round one's puyo layouts, and with consistency, maybe even round two and beyond.

ArcaniaCQ ve Tsukisuki bunu beğendi
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

We have a v1.0.1 somewhere but that's about it. you'd have to ask around the community for the others at this point, I'm afraid. We're mostly missing v1.0.2

Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

Has anyone come with the idea of setting up an autosplitter?

WolfetteChan bunu beğeniyor
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

Differences between Any% and No Major Skips

Here is a simple cheatsheet for what is a Major Skip and what isn't.

  1. If a level is defined as free-roam by the developers, all bets are off and you can do whatever you want on that course, as they will not have any Major Skips. These free roam courses are:

Volcanic Valley https://puu.sh/CVn6g/dc0b340cbd.png

SNES Rainbow Road https://puu.sh/CVn5C/39f0574f78.png

  1. If the level has a pathway designed for the skip in mind, it's not a Major Skip, even if it does not show up on the minimap. Here are some good examples:

Northern District https://puu.sh/CVnbm/3c0c7fdff1.png

Misty Maze https://puu.sh/CVnbM/d93768fb37.png

Sunbeam Paradise https://puu.sh/CVn8A/64b1ddd826.png

  1. Checkpoint abuse in any shape or form is a Major Skip. No exceptions. Examples include the following:

Daytona Speedway, Hill Backtrack https://puu.sh/CVngG/9e925a1fa3.png

Vanilla Hotel, Catwalk Backtrack https://puu.sh/CVnhE/8c34bad69e.png

Regal Raceway, Tunnel Backtrack https://puu.sh/CVnjQ/7349bcd05f.png

  1. If a developer uses it in a time attack ghost in the time attack menu, it's fair game and not a Major Skip. Examples include:

Sand Hill, Spring Bounce https://puu.sh/CVnkJ/b7a708ab79.png

CK Chao Circuit 2, U-Turn Skip https://puu.sh/CVnlj/40a689c854.png

  1. Lawnmowing in any shape or form is not considered a Major Skip as long as it's gone through all of the above conditions. Grass, Dirt, Snow, or other off-road elements are still considered part of the track. Examples include:

Green Hills, U-Turn Cut https://puu.sh/CVnmD/1a90349afa.png

Barren Badlands, Look At All This Sand Cut https://puu.sh/CVnoq/aad5626ab3.png

SM Special Stage 3, The Legendary Lawnmower Debate U-Turn Cut https://puu.sh/CVnq9/10f9a2ccaf.png

  1. If the shortcut is considered a Major Skip on the website at https://kart.tinted.red/ then it is a Major Skip. You can ask the developers if a skip is unintended if all the above conditions are not met.

Comments, suggestions, questions, and disputes can be settled in this very thread.

xYSparkz ve MystwalkerMX7 bunu beğendi
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

Does 1.0.2 have changes from 1.0.3 at all, other than patching a plethora of major skips? I'd need to find out from someone to be sure.

Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

This is our roadmap when concerning versions and SRB2Kart.

We're going to do our best to keep around notable versions. A good example is v1.0.1, which is basically the version with a bunch of track skips.

The latest version will always be a category. However, if there are any major changes in how the single player campaign is played (For example, CPUs being added, tracks getting added/removed, stuff being patched, mechanics being changed) they will be given their own section. All versios behind the new notable version will be grouped with the old notable version. For example, if v1.0.4 included some netcode changes, v1.0.3 will be grouped with it. But if v1.1.0 comes out with CPU AI racers a little later, v1.0.3 will be given its own category, and v1.0.4 grouped with it.

The reason I opened the board with a v1.0.1 Major Skips run was to help show players all the skips I knew collectively from the skip report thread so that, in the case they do get patched out, or if anyone wanted to try it themselves, they could. I'm not the most fantastic player by far, it c an definitely be beaten (you're more than welcome to give it a try!)

xYSparkz ve MystwalkerMX7 bunu beğendi
Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

You can use the SRB2 Net Launcher to play the game, too. That's perfectly fine. Basically all that matters is adding the WAD file into SRB2 so you can play it. You can achieve this through the command line (batch files) a launcher (Your launcher in this case) or by simply using the console to add them into the game.

Ontario, CanadaKitoko5 years ago

What kind of bugs me about this discussion is, if some random toon decides to use a unite on me without even communicating to them, does it invalidate solo?

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