KingKappa11 days ago

@drag0n2011 no, I don’t currently have a crt, but I am looking for one

KingKappa12 days ago

Could somebody explain to me the differences between the NES, SNES, GB, and Genesis versions of this game? I know the 16 bit consoles have better graphics and the gb version is more squished, are there any other differences that would matter for a speedrun, because I am not sure which version of the game I should pick up

KingKappa21 days ago

When I posted this, I didn’t know that it was possible to get crts for very cheap (or even free)

KingKappa23 days ago

Thanks for the response! I assume outside of those bugs, they control exactly the same? (Top speed, attack power, etc) I know that in battlemaniacs that rash and pimple control differently, so I wanted to know if there was a similar situation with this game

KingKappa24 days ago

I recently picked up a copy of this game, and i am I am interested in speedrunning it in the near future. However, I am relatively unfamiliar with the game’s mechanics, so would someone mind explaining to me the gameplay differences between the two?

KingKappa27 days ago

I've started running this game and I would like to know the setup for the 8-4 walljump

KingKappa1 month ago

The retrotink 2x pro is $140. A brand new ossc is €115, which is roughly $125, but there are refurbished ones available that are €80, which is about $87. The OSSC would be great, but from what I can tell, it only accepts rgb signals, and I don’t want to modify my nes. The only way I think I’ll be able to use the ossc is to convert the composite signal to rgb, which doesn’t look very cheap from what I can tell.

KingKappa1 month ago

I currently have a $10 av to hdmi converter, but I'm pretty sure it has a few frames of latency. The best budget friendly converter I have found so far is the retrotink 2x pro, but is there a cheaper alternative that also has little latency? (I don't really care how the video quality is, since I use a splitter cable and plug the other end to a capture card. As long as I can see what's happening on screen, I'm fine with really anything)

KingKappa2 months ago

Ok. Thanks for telling me!

sussybaka454 bunu beğeniyor
KingKappa2 months ago

Are all stars runs allowed for submission to the glitchless leaderboard?

KingKappa2 months ago

Thank you, I was wondering if this was important or not, thanks for telling me!

Kalaphant ve NathanAlmighty bunu beğendi
KingKappa2 months ago

I'm not sure if this is significant or not, but I did a 3 frame clip into the ground in 8-2.

NathanAlmighty ve Welloy bunu beğendi
KingKappa2 months ago

I have a quick question: how are runs on this leaderboard retimed? For runs submitted with milliseconds, I believe they are very slightly inaccurate. For example, with the gb’s frame rate of ~59.727, I believe the world record run is actually 4:54.973. The second place run would be 4:58.204, third place is 4:59.108, etc.

KingKappa3 months ago

I just want to clarify that I did not mean to sound rude in my description for my run, if it might have sounded that way. I was just trying to convey a thought of mine, that if a run as mediocre as mine could get 3rd place, then the game/category isn’t the most popular to speedrun. I think that this game is an amazing installment in the Sonic franchise and is a great game to speedrun, it totally deserves more players.

KingKappa3 months ago

That’s very interesting. I wonder if one of these levels is actually playable (not getting stuck in the ceiling,) but I’m not sure.

KingKappa3 months ago

Makes sense. There might be other versions out there, but this is the only one I was able to find that would be relevant in my case. I have heard a RAM adapter by Bakutendo that is designed to fit in a Famicom cart, however I feel that this would be unnecessary for Famicom owners as they can just purchase the regular RAM adapter, and it wouldn't make sense for NES owners. There is a DRAM x4 version: Disk System (FDS) RAM Adapter Vertical Board [DRAM x4 Version] | BAKUTENDO

And a DRAM x1 version: Disk System (FDS) RAM Adapter Vertical Board [DRAM x1 Version] | BAKUTENDO

KingKappa3 months ago

It’s the only one I’ve been able to find. I wouldn’t think using it would invalidate the run, because it’s just an alternate ram adapter, the original FDS hardware other than that is still being used. I could be wrong, but I doubt it, especially since Seraphmlll said that it would work.

KingKappa3 months ago

Thank you, that is exactly what I wanted to hear! I’d rather keep my NES instead of purchasing a famicom, so I’m glad to hear that I can use the 3rd party RAM adapter!

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5 months ago
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