HEGX646 years ago

Is it possible to (on a real DS console) start the DS in a consistent state and manipulate the RNG legally. In this video () they take out the battery and reset the time and everything to factory settings in order to manipulate the RNG. I'm not sure if a human typing in the name/favorite colour inconsistently results in inconsistent RNG though. Also this video () seems to imply that .

So my theory is that if we can put the DS's RNG in a particular state by starting with the right settings at the right time, can we then execute this strategy on a physical console. I'm still pretty new to all of this so sorry if I'm rambling or not making sense.

3zachm bunu beğeniyor
HEGX646 years ago

Oh okay. I didn't really realize manual splitting was a done thing. I was mostly going off ILoveSMB's Any% run https://www.speedrun.com/nsmbds/run/zn8jddvz and now that you mention it it does look like the splits aren't frame perfect (no offense :)) and are all in the middle of loading screens so manual splitting actually fine.

Thanks :)

HEGX646 years ago

Hello, I'm interested in starting speedrunning this game and I see that other people are using autosplitters with livesplit or something. Are the videos I'm seeing with these splits just edited in post or is there an autosplitter available for this game with an emulator or something?

HEGX64 Hakkında
6 years ago
5 years ago
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