BelgiumEarleys8 years ago

Maybe it makes even less sense, but why not make VC AM equal to III? What I mean is: add boatyard, and all other checkpoint-races VC has (just like in III), and leave out all collecteables and so-called 'side-missions' (vigilante, taxi, pizza boy etc). It would still remain arbitrary, but at least it's more comparable to III.

Like Pete kinda said in IRC, I also feel like there has to be something in between, since any% might just be too complicated or ruined for some, and 100% on the other hand might just be too long.

BelgiumEarleys8 years ago

So, I Just tried it on US version of LCS with a psp-2000 (slim & lite), and also crashed on 'blow up dolls'-pickup. I did get warped (and passed the mission) right away after starting A Volatile Situation. Just fyi. :P

Edit: Did some more testing, and I tried saving after insta-passing 'A Volatile Situation', then I reloaded it, and tried to continue from there (after setting up the rampage thing again). During the rampage I was able to start Blow Up Dolls without a crash, but picking up Frighteners during the mission (and after the rampage ended) lead to another crash. I have no idea if those steps before saving got carried over to the save or not. More Edits: Apparently you can save during Blow Up Dolls, and reload the save without issues, but after reloading the mission is gone too, so starting Frighteners doesn't crash, but also doesn't anything special anymore. (which was to be expected I guess).

BelgiumEarleys8 years ago

OblivionWalker asked me to post this YouTube video for him, it's kinda related to what The_Seventeenth posted I think, he explains a lot in his video.

He also said he was able to dupe a rampage doing this, this is what he said:

after i advanced the save menu to the new game on the xbox, the screen is black but you can move yourself around. because i know Vice City like the back of my hand i went to the rampage like you do with any% and picked it up and saved a a second or two later. after i saved the rampage started and I then completed it, after that i loaded the save and completed the rampage but this time it respawned again.

He said you can ask questions in the comment section of his video if you want to know more.

dimiusko bunu beğeniyor
BelgiumEarleys8 years ago

He uses a program called Livesplit, you need to add it as a window capture to OBS (open broadcaster software), or any other streaming software, and then use a chroma key to make the background of Livesplit transparent. After that you can add a background, and you can also color/restyle your splits using the Livesplit settings.

Dantes bunu beğeniyor
BelgiumEarleys8 years ago

Yeah, the distribution dupe only works on the Japanese version. You can check out OC's old PB on the US version to see a route you could use. It also contains duping but you will still have to complete a few assets on PS2 US. There might be a better route, but I haven't looked into it.


BelgiumEarleys8 years ago

The only reason I can think of is that you started the mission with Vigilante running. When you get out of the vehicle with Vigilante running, you need to hold the side-mission button until the phone starts ringing, then let go of that button (it should end Vigilante), and then run in the marker (without cancelling the call).

The game usually crashes if you try to start a mission with a side-mission running, but in this case it just softlocked you apparently.

BelgiumEarleys8 years ago

There is a converter in the 'Resources'-section that you can use. The readme should explain how to use it.


Aksquid bunu beğeniyor
BelgiumEarleys9 years ago

Figured I might aswell just post my streaming setup, it's nothing special but this is what I'm looking at when streaming/running.


MuXu96 bunu beğeniyor
BelgiumEarleys9 years ago

Also, do you use Windows 8/8.1? It won't install at all for most people on Windows 8/8.1. (it works after installing though) If you use Windows 7 then you need to set comptability mode to 98/Me, then it should work.

BelgiumEarleys9 years ago

I also agree with Frew on this one. I haven't seen anything that would speed up the game after resetting a duped game. Even a duped game (PW2 dupes), can be 'fixed' if you find a way to destroy the cars (savegames work again and vehicles spawn again). Discovered that once on accident when doing bigbang a few times at the end of a run. :P And indeed, maybe Jury Fury also causes something to be left behind, even though we don't see it, but there's no proof of that. There was actual proof of the timing method being 'abused', so I understand why that's changed now.

From what I've heard somewhere these disco lights are there because it had something to do with the headlights of all the vehicles in the game. And since there's an overflow it probably causes the headlights to be way too shiny. I don't know the exact details but I remember it was something like that.

BelgiumEarleys9 years ago

Edit: People already know this, but since I didn't see it right away in this topic, I'll just leave the message here. :P

If you are on a mission with the 'on mission' variable set to 0/false, and then you kill yourself, the mission won't actually be failed. Instead most of the time the mission will just keep running and you can still pass it. I tried it with a few missions, of which:

Road kill: I was able to kill the dude after dieing, because the dude kept driving around and kept delivering pizzas

Hit the Courier: not duped, but just died with the on mission variable set to false, and the girl with the plates still got in the car and started driving, I didn't complete the mission, but I guess it's possible

Supply & Demand : I tried it with S&D, but sadly, it didn't work with this one since you are stuck in your seat and you can't jump out of the boat. I guess destroying the boat/killing Lance would still fail the mission, so I didn't even bother to try that. (tried it when Lance was 'driving' back towards the mansion, after killing everyone).

All Hands On Deck: The last one (All Hands On Deck) is a bit weird, since the mission itself will keep running, but you will fail it once you enter a random vehicle. I recorded this aswell, because at first I thought this 'glitch' only worked for this mission, but apparently this glitch also works with other missions. :P

No sound because I had kz_Frew's stream open in the background.

I used cheat engine for most of the testing (I haven't tested it that thoroughly). Tried it with rampage starting once (All Hands On Deck), and it gave the same result, so I think cheat engine is fine for testing purposes. All this was done using non-steam version.

BelgiumEarleys9 years ago

Looks like you can change the 'onmission' variable too by just starting a submission RIGHT BEFORE starting a rampage. Ppress the 'start submission' button just half a second earlier, then press F3. Afterwards you just cancel the submission, walk into the marker, start mission and then cancel the rampage, and repeat (if necessary).

It's not really changing much, but it can be a lot less risky since this would avoid you having to redo the 4 jumps at pw2.

BelgiumEarleys9 years ago

I've streamed for ~35 minutes using this and didn't have any issues. It took me some time to figure out why Mishira made Vice City crash, but it seems like you need to open Vice City as admin when Mishira is running. I also had to turn on compatibility mode because otherwise Mishira only shows a black game screen.

The GUI looks nice and it's pretty user friendly if you ask me. I might use this program instead of Xsplit or OBS, just because it's very easy to use, and seems quite stable even though it's still in alpha.

BelgiumEarleys9 years ago

I have been looking at a way to skip rampages. It looks like whenever you still have phonecalls to take, and then play the replay when standing inside a clothing marker, the game cancels the rampage, but I'm not 100% sure if it would work all the time. It worked for me, but I only tried it with 1 phone call.

This doesn't work when you don't have any phonecalls to take.

Still not 100% sure if it works, or if it would be worth it in any way. Worked for me but I didn't test it during PW2. Adam didn't succeed in it so far, so not sure.

EDIT: I just tried to do this again, and it isn't working for me either, so I must've done something very specific. If only I knew what. :s I think you need to wield the same weapon the rampage gives, and then you need to save reload the game or something. Got it to work once more, but now I'm missing something again.

BelgiumEarleys9 years ago

You can get rid of a 2-star wanted level too using a clothing glitch (replay a scene where Tommy jumps into a clothing pickup). This might be useful for cherry poppers. :P

You should be careful when using this in a vehicle, since you can't brake or speedup anymore (until re-entering the vehicle or shooting).

Bollard bunu beğeniyor
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