konu: SimTower
United StatesDreamweaverK1 year ago

I wanted to make sure before practicing that I am doing it at the intended cycle speed. Is the 70k within a Windows 3.1 Environment or directly from DOS[DOSbox] with no Windows 3.1?

I am not familiar with a DOS only version of SimTower, though I feel like I have faint memories of booting it from DOS many years ago, I wanted to be sure before moving too far forward.


United StatesDreamweaverK9 years ago

Oh, awesome guys. I looked for the but somehow missed it. Thanks!

United StatesDreamweaverK9 years ago

This game was a PS1 game. It's called Azure dreams. It's the only game i'm interested in that I did not find on the list. Everything else has been listed.

Is there a reason why it's not? I know it's a bit like a rougelike but still, it would be enjoyable to try and speedrun through.

United StatesDreamweaverK9 years ago

That is very bizarre...When I talk, it's synced up fine on stream.

Unless you're talking about listening to yourself on stream, which then there's a delay because of the servers. But I don't think that's what you're talking about.

Are you console gaming or PC gaming?

DreamweaverK Hakkında
9 years ago
1 year ago
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Azure Dreams
Azure Dreams
Son ziyaret 1 year ago