RussiaDeH4uK8 months ago

We'll have to check the final scene, I have a hunch it should be skippable

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

Corrected the rules of 100% category: "It is necessary to walkthrough all the levels so that all the enemies were dead (not necessarily that they are killed by the player), except for those that are impossible to reach. It is also necessary to collect all the runes. Only combat glitches are allowed."

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

c13ply, good idea, but then you could miss 2 archers out of 4 in the Oasis of Nejeb.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

In the tower of Dal Gurak you can go back: Initially it is better to go left, go to the place where there are two minotaurs and dark knights, kill them, and then jump to the beginning and go right.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

With archers the question is not completely resolved, but I am in favor of killing them only on Oasis of Nejeb, because there they are killed with 1 arrow. On all other levels they take longer to kill and on some levels they even disappear. Gorge of Orlok: 2 archers, easy enough to kill, but a lot of time and arrows spent, plus they can fall in an awkward place and have to run back and check. Temple of Al Farum: There are 2 disappearing archers (total of 4, but 2 don't disappear). They disappear after opening the door with fire and water. Kill them only with a bow and it's quite problematic, as they require more arrows + can interfere the second archer (which does not disappear). Temple of Ianna: If I'm not mistaken there are 7 unreachable archers, which requires a lot of arrows, and killing them where they stand in four is almost impossible. Tower of Dal Gurak: Here I do not remember exactly, but there are 2-3 unreachable archers, which in addition quickly disappear and focus with sword of Ianna on them can not, so kill only with the bow.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

Hi, c13ply. I think it's: 4. Sliding down (zipping down) (also with clipping through texture).

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

Edited the glitches, removed attack cancellation from the glitches.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

Another proof that the game can write these scenes to the file: When I first added these scenes to SDF.txt and tried to skip them, the game corrected the timing in that file itself. Most likely if the scene is already in the file, it takes less time to overwrite or the "wrong rewind" scene causes the call timing to work differently.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

@c13ply Cubeface skipped a scene in mines long before the release of the steam version. We have 1 scene skip in the classic version and 1 scene skip in the steam version before I looked in SkipScript.py and SDF.txt. There is code in the maps indicating that these scenes were intended to be skipped, as these scenes have a SkipScriptStart call from SkipScript.py (when all non-skipped scenes don't have this). The vast majority of players may play >1000 times, but these scenes won't have time to be written to the file, but someone will only view them once and they will be written to SDF.txt, after which they will be skipped.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

@c13ply Okay, these files contain "previously viewed scenes that are designed to be skipped". Scenes not designed to be skipped cannot be skipped with SDF.txt. Try to skip final scenes in Al Farum or Nemrut by editing only SDF.txt, I think you will fail. And at least 2 people managed to skip scenes in Kelbegen and Ianna without editing this file and the code is very similar to what they should skip.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

These scenes were designed to be skipped, but something went wrong and they are skipped on ultra rare cases, and most likely if it worked once, it will work until you delete it from the file yourself. You will not be able to skip other scenes not meant to be skipped by editing ONLY the SDF.txt files. Even if there are actions in the game that affect a scene to start skipping, they can only be performed on an earlier playthrough, not during the run, because the file only contains "previously viewed scenes".

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

@c13ply "Airsinking" is mentioned as "Flying (Airclimbing, Airsinking, Straight movement through air)"

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago


"Attack cancellation" - when applied to an attack it really doesn't look like a glitch, but when you press the block during the first character fatigue it looks like a glitch.

"Climbing a ledge with a stool" - I wrote that it is not a glitch.

We removed the "No Physics Glitches" category, and divided the glitches not by "No Physics / Physics", but rather by their effectiveness.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

Steam (I also checked on non-steam - it works)

keyboardnotfound bunu beğeniyor
RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

Hi all! Found a new way to get through the portcullis. And in the same way, a new skip in Al Farum.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

About how I found it: For a long time I was interested in the case of how cubeface skipped cutscene in mines, also Funtast told me about how he started skipping cutscene in temple of Ianna, he thought it was a new rare bug of steam version and in first runs he didn't skip it on purpose. I started to look into it in more detail and the first thing I did was to play with an open console and tried many times to skip these cutscenes. While doing this I found that console was printing "Wolfson's Error: SkipCalled called outta nest" every time I pressed esc during a cutscene. Then I went into python scripts code and found where this error was displayed. I saw there some functions that write cutscenes to sdf file and read them. These functions are called in all story maps, function to write is called at the end of certain cutscenes, function that reads and checks for cutscene in file is called at the beginning of those cutscenes. It is at these two levels that final scenes are almost never recorded, most likely due to fact that cutscene recording and level completion are called almost simultaneously, and in general the code is different in different maps. After figuring out format of records in sdf.txt, I tried adding a record there about final scene in mines, which should be skipped judging by code and after that it was skipped and game even changed time in file. Well, similarly did with rest of scenes.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

The numbers are time in seconds (to where to rewind), if they differ in milliseconds it is not critical, after next skip scene the game can adjust them by rewriting file. The order of scenes in file is also not important, perhaps it is formed depending on the sequence in which scenes were skipped or on different computers is recorded in different order.

RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

About airclimbing in the temple of Ianna, I think we should stick to the rules, this glitch is imba, it is only allowed in "any glitches" Zipping is allowed.

keyboardnotfound bunu beğeniyor
RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

Hi, keyboardnotfound! Good to have you back. But I don't quite understand what the problem is? Tab-landing is allowed in the "Allowable Glitches" category (previously it was called "No Physics Glitches")

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