Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago


I started a discord to Link up all Console DOOM runners. All advantages, disadvantages, and strategies across all versions will be compiled, and tested here. Shockingly, there are still versions of DOOM yet to be submitted here on Speedrun...

GBA, 32X, 3DO, SATURN, PSX, JAG, X360... plenty of others to work with! Our ultimate Goal is to have every Port of DOOM 1 Listed here on Speedrun.com By DOOM's 25th anniversary, a year from today!

This will also be a great place to meet other runners, and discover other versions of DOOM to run. There is only one rule:

Don't be a dick!

See you guys soon! Happy Anniversary Doom!

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago


I started a discord to Link up all Console DOOM runners. All advantages, disadvantages, and strategies across all versions will be compiled, and tested here.

GBA, 32X, 3DO, SATURN, PSX, JAG, X360... plenty of others to work with! Our ultimate Goal is to have every Port of DOOM 1 Listed here on Speedrun.com By DOOM's 25th anniversary, a year from today!

This will also be a great place to meet other runners, and discover other versions of DOOM to run. There is only one rule:

Don't be a dick!

See you guys soon! Happy Anniversary Doom!

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago


I started a discord to Link up all Console DOOM runners. All advantages, disadvantages, and strategies across all versions will be compiled, and tested here.

GBA, 32X, 3DO, SATURN, PSX, JAG, X360... plenty of others to work with! Our ultimate Goal is to have every Port of DOOM 1 Listed here on Speedrun.com By DOOM's 25th anniversary, a year from today!

This will also be a great place to meet other runners, and discover other versions of DOOM to run. There is only one rule:

Don't be a dick!

See you guys soon! Happy Anniversary Doom!

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

JRM and myself have been routing for co-op runs has been underway, but while many skips and time saves have been added in theory, success with Visual boy advance over the internet for multiplayer capabilities has hindered actual runs...

Here I have a list of what we are trying to get working for the first co-op run to be posted. Unless someone else submits a run prior to our current work, the Co-op Any% (1-21?) will still be removed.

WIP: Even getting Visual Boy advance online (cringe)

Level 21 (House of Pain) crashes on LAN 2 Player co-op. If 2 players on the same Link fail this for ANY%, the run will only be level 1-21. Still needs further testing. Anyone able to test on real hardware? (I only have one cart)

Players DO NOT pick up keys other player pick up. This makes DOOM GBA a little trickier for routing key pick ups, and time saves.

Players must single file through doorways, and work together to clear rooms, which can make it even quicker then single player. We have derived terms 'Tank' and 'Key' player to describe different objectives each will want to focus on, and sometimes the roles will switch based on keys and switches required.

Here is our level 5 (Central Processing) Route currently (One of the more complex)

Key player will grab the Red key, while tank player focuses on jumping below the blue key. Key player will pick up the blue key, and head to the door normally, key will activate the falling platform near the yellow key. Tank will switch to key at this point., going for the platform that just fell, grabbing yellow, and dropping the tunnel for the tank (previously key) player.

Tank player takes the now open tunnel secret, key player continues on Solo route. As Key reaches the switch door before the final room, Tank player will have already clicked the lever at the top of the stairs. Switching the roles again as key player will become tank player again, rushing in to get the switch in the final room. while getting the switch, the player behind them can easily walk to the exit a bit faster, changing roles on final time, right as the door is activated for the exit room!

Switching roles through out a level can easily save 6-10 seconds for every level, if both players understand the switching of the Key and Tank roles, if we could just figure out linking properly, or even see the game past 21/23 levels in co-op, it would be an interesting team work run for sub 16. :)

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

I've just started running this game in the last week, plenty of improvements to add. Sorry to who ever has to verify, I actidentally submitted wrong times by a few seconds recently, but I'll be working for sub 19 any% soon! :)

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

How are there not many runs posted? This game is legendary! Will be getting something together soon, but is anyone else out there? ._.

Been playing this game since it game out, one of the first PC games I ever played, still holds up well considering the age too.

Banks, bias60gaming, ve ROMaster2 bunu beğendi
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

I just started running Any%, and so far my PB is a 1:00:18. I've tried to have it verified, but my first submission the video was private. I run a larger youtube channel, and i wanted to have it posted here before its live on there.

Well that submission was null, because I didn't include what version was running.. and then subsiquent submission, denied because I didn't put the Emulation used... my mistake, I'm just exausted lol. Sadly I ised EPSX 1.8, so I'll have to record another run for the verification.

I grinded out an hour run in about 5 days, shooting for sub 1 now. Anyone have suggestions on recording actual PS1 or PS2 hardware? All I have are HD capture devices at the moment, curious what others are using.

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Are emulators allowed for submitted runs? If so, which ones are accepted? Looking forward to future runs here!

P1ZZAC4T bunu beğeniyor
Alexo Hakkında
6 years ago
18 days ago
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