Greater London, EnglandAGenericIgknight8 months ago

Posted this in the discord but felt that I should make it known here too:

Pretty much, it seems that getting an encounter at the same as starting a pvp battle (or something similar, documentation is pretty bare bones) will completely disable getting encounters at all, even when entering a new area.

I think this is because the game still treats you as if you're in an encounter - you'll know that the glitch worked if you hear an encounter theme playing in the overworld, however the theme will be changed out for the theme of any new area you enter, but the glitch still applies.

Currently, we don't know if anything stops the glitch from working, or a more detailed setup.

What are your thoughts on this?

Greater London, EnglandAGenericIgknight9 months ago

After my First Key Event% run, I've honestly changed my mind about the Daily Gift system and its use in running. I now think that it's a very unfair system to use for running - my recent run is the best example of that (It's the only example lmao)

In said run, I got a Mauspunch via gift who covers for one of Furzen's only weak points, the removal of its only melee attack Reckless Charge. This one shots Flaskit on Quincy 2 which stops the setup of Crystal Wall, deals with his Louis faster than Furzen, and chips Shadark into range of Furzen.

Not only this, but the amount of rng you get from the money gift has a pretty big impact on what you can buy at the centre - you can buy the same amount of product, except you can afford to skip 2+ trainers which is a pretty clear cut time save.

Additionally, pretty much any gift doodle is also better than Roscoon on Ben and Pete, and it will also run a reduced risk of a time wasting Centre trip.

I'll probably submit replacements for both of my current runs without gifts whether it gets banned or not, since I've realised now that they're pretty broken

Greater London, EnglandAGenericIgknight10 months ago

Based off of my testing from Number 3 and others, it seems possible that every trainer has set stars, but random modifiers. Knowing this it'd be possible to reverse engineer stat ranges of most if not every trainer using Starry Glasses and additional star confirmation by way of repetition using multiple accounts.

So knowing this, does anybody have any trainer doodles whose stats they want reverse engineered?

Greater London, EnglandAGenericIgknight10 months ago

Already documented this in the discord but that function is very dead.

After a lot of testing, I confirmed that the partybug and ruffire are always 4 stars. They also have random speed modifiers and no equipment.

I was able to use this info to determine that:

Partybug can have 25, 26, 28, 29, or 30 speed.

Ruffire can have 22, 23, 24, 26, or 27 speed.

This might make a rough fight at least slightly easier. I'll post the ranges of the other stats if I feel bored.

Greater London, EnglandAGenericIgknight10 months ago

Due to the week of the month bonuses, there are different advantages created in runs - literally all of them except the 15th-21st bonus are completely useless in a real run, because they provide chaining/cosmetic boosts. The only one that technically has a use is the legendary appearence increase, but it only works with 2 of them, Pandishi and Qilintel, whom you get without wasting time on requests. They're still 1/960, which isn't realistic when aiming to minimize encounters anyway/you don't buy capsules generally.

Anyway, the 15th-21st bonus is forced and can't be turned off, providing a clear advantage with more exp and money, but this makes it impossible to run anything except Event on the 21st-28th, and forces you to wait for this short running period to do a truly optimal run, as well as putting you into a category where you are using just a single bonus which puts you behind everybody else realistically. The problem is that event is pretty vague - even within the category there might be a lot of subdivision depending on how good a certain event/code is for running - so I propose a split in both subcategories (Base/Event) between 15th-21st MonthBonus and Bonusless.

TLDR: 15-21st month bonus is majorly unfair for normal runners, add MonthBonus and Bonusless categories

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