konu: B3313
Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus3 months ago

I think that sounds good to me. I'm mostly just worried about the effort people put into 450 star being wiped, but if 450 is moved to misc instead of deleted that sounds like a good plan

DJ_Tala bunu beğeniyor
konu: B3313
Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus4 months ago

Since 1.0.2 dropped about 2 weeks ago, do old runs get invalidated? 100% is now 460 instead of 450. I'm not sure if the update affects the other categories.

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus1 year ago

imo WoL NG should disallow any spirits that a brand new player wouldn't have if they bought the game today and went straight to WoL. That would make it fair as a "new file" category and actually motivate new people (like me) to try running it. Just my two cents, as someone who has helped create rulesets for other speedgames.

koşu: Webbed
Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus2 years ago


Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus7 years ago

Super support what snap said, just would like to addendum to his "not sure about rhombus" point. I haven't been the most active runner, but I'm certainly active in the community. I was never inactive in the LM discord and I've done my best to help people. That's just my own little self bump, not gonna push myself as a mod beyond that.

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus7 years ago

Well it's certainly not for no reason, but I get where you're coming from. I just thought it might be a good idea to have a smaller group of people to make decisions since when we put stuff to the whole community (namely in discord) then there ends up being a lot of uncivilized arguments that go nowhere.

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus7 years ago

If I may add a note, adding new mods could be more than just more people to verify runs. In quite a few communities the leaderboard mods serve as a committee to review leaderboard changes and other game related changes such as rules and whatnot. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have more people, and also to have that be the case rather than have a massive community wide argument over changes. Having fewer people in charge of changes that can agree to have civil discussions rather than arguments could be super helpful for this community, based on past experience.

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus7 years ago

I mean not to toot my own horn but I think I'd be a good mod, as would the other people up for mod. I support the idea personally

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

I'm not anywhere near good enough to constitute joining, but if everyone in the tourney had over a 1:25 I'd consider.

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

So an idea was spawned in the community discord that it might be cool to have a separate leaderboard off of speedrun.com that contained really arbitrary and meme categories. Examples would include rank%, max%, true low% (no optional rooms/keys), and other ones that don't belong on speedrun.com. I would be willing to make said leaderboard on Google Drive, and it could be put in the resources tab on the side or somewhere else, open to discussion. It would also be nice if established community members could volunteer to mod the leaderboard (be able to recieve runs through PM or other contact memes to manually put on the leaderboard). It would be great to hear what others think of this idea, and it's not necessary in any way but I thought it might be cool if people wanted it.

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

No JJ, any route is allowed as long as you don't go oob and beat King Boo in the end

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

JJ, we will most likely have the runners schedule their own races (unclear) ak_paradox, we should be fine on commentators. HD has offered as well as Skozzy and myself, and I imagine others will be around

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

For super mods I feel like GC and Skozzy can do well, and Sarcrai seems to be another favorite. As for regular mods, I still feel like I could be a good mod but I don't appear to be a popular vote as of now. I'd also nominate Death but other than that the standing of the mod list is ok to me

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

Tozino has verified like, my last 3 or 4 pbs so I think he's good as a mod right now. Veman is not around any more as far as I know and linkus has been inactive for a long time. Other than that I'm fine with the standing of the mod list right now (and I don't think we should add super mods)

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

I've been using an $8 ezcap since late 2014 and it's worked perfectly, but I've heard they can be a bit hit-or-miss EDIT: I think it may have actually been $5, lol

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

I think it should definitely be allowed because it's non-game breaking legitimate-disc free time save. It's like someone who you trust handing you $5 out of nowhere. Who wouldn't take it? Also it makes no sense that s&q is banned ONLY as a use of save warp, like if you die and go back in it's perfectly fine (source: my first run had 3 deaths on bowser)

Skozzy bunu beğeniyor
Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

As far as consensus goes, there was a pretty large amount of people percentage wise that were in support of the sub categories (to my knowledge), and I support it as well. I do agree however that we should talk about it, and I'd be more than willing to (and I think I speak for almost everyone) if we can agree to avoid bickering and keep the conversation strictly professional.

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

Dying as a form of save warp is banned, but otherwise is fine. Source: I died 3 times in my first any% run and it was accepted. The rules may be more strict now but I'd probably defend you if you're running by legit means

Pennsylvania, USAA2Rhombus8 years ago

This is all a matter of feel. You just need to watch runs and see what other people do, and eventually you'll get the timing down. Also, if you're looking for a more definite explanation, then try moving a bit to the side and using the c stick to aim at the boo when backing up instead of just going straight backwards.

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