Zips, Clips, and Other Useless Glitches
3 years ago
French Southern Territories

While messing around the other day, I discovered several glitches, all of which are unfortunately useless. Here they are:

#House Warp In huh? , there is a house, and once you get far enough inside the house to be seen in the far right window, the black text fades is. At the front of the house, there is an awning. If you jump at the right time into the corner of this awning, you clip into the ceiling and get pushed far to the right offscreen, triggering the credits about .2 seconds early. This sounds useful, but the any% run doesn't require you to play this level, so it would only be useful for a "100%" completion of the game. However, 100% completion requires getting the secret text on top of the house. I resized the game window and found that there isn't a wall on the right border of the screen, and house warp pushes you very far to the right, so the time warping saves is lost by needing to run farther to get out of the house and onto the roof.

#Ceiling Zip This glitch can be done in every level that has a tunnel with a low ceiling. I've only pulled it off in 4 and 10, but it can maybe be done in level 12 too. It's pretty precise and will take several tries to do. Get on top of the low ceiling, and then jump off the edge. Turn around and keep holding the direction. If you time it right, you will move into the ceiling a bit, and when you hit the ground, you will clip into it. When you clip into the wall, you instantly get pushed to the right edge of the ground and then fall through. You can use this to get out of bounds in level 10, but that has no use.

#12 OoB In level 12, when the boxman is powering the generator, step off the button a little bit after the platform starts moving. Run to the right and fall off the moving platform and it can push you off the screen. This is unfortunately useless, there is an extra spike offscreen that prevents you from getting under the spike floor early, and you almost always hit the death barrier.

#Screen Wrap In level 12 and 10, clipping out of bounds sometimes results in you warping to the top of the level and falling back inbounds. This happens when you move far enough out of bounds so that the death plane doesn't reach you, so instead of dying you teleport to the top of the screen.

#5 Zip When you walk off the starting platform in level 5, dropping down onto the bottom platform without stopping makes you clip into the ground, zip to the right of the screen, and then die. No idea why this happens, I've gotten more vertical velocity in other levels and haven't replicated it.

#Extra Boxman If you press shift+r at the same time in a level, you will be able to spawn a boxman without decrementing the boxmen counter in the top left. If you place down another boxman, the first one despawns, and everything goes back to normal. Sometimes they won't despawn though, but it seems you can't go above the boxmen limit. This would be very useful in level 12, however you can't place these glitched boxmen in the running or jumping state. You can make them sit or stand, but if you try to have them running they instantly die.

#Clear Save Data This glitch has no practical purpose in a speedrun, but is quite useful for people who play the HTML5 version, which does not have a clear save data option. On the level select screen, left click the X in the top right but don't let go of lmb. Release the button and press the spacebar at the same time, and all your save data will be cleared.

#Whitescreen Enter any level in the game, and then press the X in the top right corner. Once the menu is loaded, press R and the screen will go completely white, and you won't be able to interact with anything. This is not a game crash, however.

#Boxmen on Main Menu There are two ways to get boxmen on the main menu. Method one is to place boxmen like normal in any level, and then press the X in the top right. The level will disappear, but the boxmen will not, and they fall to their deaths.

Method two is to enter any level that lets you place boxmen, and then press X. On the main menu, press shirt and standing boxmen will fall from the top left corner of the screen. Method two also works when the screen is white, so that's how I know it isn't a game crash.

By clicking the play button very quickly, you can get the boxmen onto the level select screen, but not the levels.

#Resizing the game Okay, this IS a useful glitch kind of. Go to this website, and change the values in the url after "w" or "h" to be larger. This allows you to see beyond the boundaries of the level. You can also play in fullscreen on this site without watching an ad or buying a membership to coolmath. Just right click on the game window.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
0Shadowz bunu beğeniyor
French Southern Territories

Update: I've pulled off the ceiling zip in level 12, and I found another useless glitch.

If you land on the boundary of two spike blocks and place a boxman, you can place a standing boxman in midair.

0Shadowz bunu beğeniyor
United States

These are some really interesting glitches. :)

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