Kaydet: Tiger Woods 04+05 save for speedrunning.
Tiger Woods 04+05 save for speedrunning.
Güncelleme tarihi 2 years ago tarafından MaouYumisu

Includes a maxed player for 04 and 05 with Trophy balls and Alltime records done that won't interrupt the game. It also includes all other EA Sports saves to take advantage of bonus money from new Player runs when added with tutorial completion. Xemu 0.7.2 is included as it's the most stable version for Tiger Woods 2004-2005. Story mode is not done for speedrunning purposes. Maxed Player for 2005 has 8 degree driver, 3W, 5W, 7W, 3I, 4I, 5I, 7I, 8I, 9I, PW, AW, and SW as my clubs selection so you must set it to whatever you like. 04 maxed player has default clubs selected. 05 Player has Justin Timberlake's swing unlocked from RTE If you want a different swing to use.