All Achievements Guide
All Achievements Guide
Güncelleme tarihi 2 years ago tarafından Fuley_la_joo

These are all the requirements for the "All Achievements" category. This is good to know if you already earned the achievements or don't have them on your version.

I figured most of this out from the Steam guide and RoyalSaturn's run, so please message me if there are any inaccuracies.

This guide omits all 'automatic' achievements (ones for completing tasks that are required to progress through the non-game anyway)

--Main menu--

It's a trap!:

Quit from the main menu (press THIS WAY!, then Yes).

(Note: On earlier versions, you wouldn't be able to unlock this achievement if you clicked any of the other panels before quitting. On the current version, the achievement will be unlocked regardless of when you quit.)

--Chapter 01: Mise en abyme--

Roshambo Addict:

Play Roshambo against Game 11 times.

(Play until he says "I think I'm going to shut up and watch your videogaming demise in silence", then choose one more card to get the achievement)

Conspiracy theorist:

In Flying Squirrel OS, look at the documents Truth01, Truth02 and Truth03 in the private folder.

--Chapter 02: Behind the scenes--

This is not a Beat'em up:

Punch Mr. Wilhelm with the fist 13 times.

(After the first punch to activate the cutscene, punch him 6 times to get the letter H, then another 6 times to get the achievement)

Wrong Dimension:

Dial the Creator's number [555-8121] on the telettrophone.

This won't initiate a call, so you can do it at any time before completing the ritual (after this, the phone becomes unusable).


Let Sherlock Holmes answer Miss Voodoo's call 4 times (on the 4th call, he'll hang up with no comment).

You can only do this before moving him to the entrance by toggling the light switch, otherwise Watson will answer.

Blue moon:

Dip the tongue in the blue paint and lick the moon blue.

This won't work after you've licked it yellow.

--Chapter 03: The good, the bad and the princess--

Honey, I blew up the Hero:

Use the hammer to shrink everything in the house except the Hero (shrinking the key isn't required).

Since using the hammer freezes the Hero's movement for a moment, it's fastest to quickly shrink everything while he's standing in front of the door with the key, since it won't pause the action of him unlocking it.

Life sentence:

Let the Hero walk on a lilypad and then shrink it so he drowns.

It's faster to do this in the room with the Guard, because it doesn't play the dialogue that normally happens when you do it in the lake.

Random luck!:

Input the switch combination in the temple (left, up, right, down) without shrinking any of the fires.

--Chapter 04: Free2Pay--

Follow the guide!:

Click this bush in the Guard's room 5 times to find the secret.

You can do it either time you visit this room.

Serial Clicker:

To get this achievement, you need to click on objects 750 times to get money (coins from Hero or lootboxes don't count). In total, this earns 3750 coins.

If you use an optimised coin route (that exits every room with 0 coins) while buying all clickable objects along the way, you will still fall short by 100-150 coins by the end of the chapter.

The best way to get the extra coins without losing any time is to buy extra bombs outside the temple. You should aim for at least 3 extra bombs (in addition to the one you need to topple over RaPappa).

--Chapter 05: Loss of control--

Serge Karamasov:

At the end of DJ Game's rap, fail Buster Chaplin's minigame "Hit The Road" 6 times until it switches to noob mode, then jump over the chair.

You need to jump at least once for it to start counting; if you don't jump at all then nothing will happen. Also make sure that you're not holding the metal block when the character trips, as this will prevent the counter from incrementing.

(Speed tip: Each time the character trips, pull the name out of the slot and put it back in; this will let you skip the Game Over screen)

Carmack junior:

Enter GiGi's code correctly on the first try.

(Note: On earlier versions, placing any card in the wrong slot would fail the achievement. On the current version, you can only fail the achievement by pressing RETURN without having the right code.)

--Chapter 06: Back home--

Skeet shoot:

Break every Yes sign that appears from clicking the Quit button.

You have to break all of them, from the first time you click Quit.

Better than Mr. Radar:

In question 3 of Rogue Quiz, choose the answer "Instant cassettes" in the bottom left corner.

Who you gonna call?:

Call Miss Voodoo [555-2368] on the cell phone (the achievement unlocks when she hangs up).

You must do this before knocking out the Creator, or she won't answer.


I want to PLAY!!:

Press the PLAY button at the end of the epilog.

You won't earn the achievement until the final scene with the Creator ends.

Future of the planet, and all that...:

Press the DELETE button at the end of the epilog.

You won't earn the achievement until the final scene with the Creator ends.

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