Can we use Speedrun mode?
1 year ago
United States

Seeing there's a Speedrun mode built into the game, would it be possible to use that as the time to submit a run?

It would be considered LRT since it pauses the timer during any loads and skippable cinematics and resumes the timer after.


No, you have to use the ASL for Livesplit

United States

Any reason why?


The ASL timer doesn't stop on cutscenes, it prevents abusing them to save time, just like it can happen with ingame timer. So you have to skip the cutscenes everytime.

United States

I apologize for using the wrong term. I meant IGT, not LRT.

The PS5 version of the game's leaderboards use IGT so I'm questioning why the PC version's leaderboards doesn't use it.


The PC version will be timed using the ASL (LRT) and will not use the speedrun mode.


Long story short, the speedrun mode is the only option we had for PS5 so we used it, but for PC it's a lot more customizable and the current timer we are using like mentioned above doesn't pause the timer during cutscenes, this is the main reason for using LRT and not the speedrun mode as the speedrun mode pauses the timer during cutscenes which we do not want.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 1 year ago
United States

Why do you not want the skippable cutscenes to pause the timer?

The skippable cutscenes are basically loads that load into the black screen loads. You're not doing anything during said cutscenes and you're going to skip them anyway.

Since it's the same game, just on different platforms, wouldn't it make sense to have the same timing methods/rules across both leaderboards?


The game varies a bit when watching cutscenes fully and when skipping them. Also not skipping cutscenes kinda just goes against the nature of speedrunning.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Pausing the timer during the menu also goes against the nature of speedrunning. Using any timing method but RTA also goes against the nature of speedrunning.

Washington, D.C., USA

I mean if you want to go down road of things that are “against the nature of speedrunning” then all the categories that aren’t Any% go against it since the point of speedrunning is to beat a game ASAP

ScarlettTheSystem ve AlolaGirly bunu beğendi

"Using any timing method but RTA also goes against the nature of speedrunning" No, it is simply wrong here is an example; GTA 4 uses LRT because loading times depend on framerate, and people with better PC specs have a massive advantage. So it makes sense to use other timings.

ScarlettTheSystem bunu beğeniyor

We can argue about timing methods forever. I'm just gonna say that TLOU on PC benefits from LRT, loadings are usually inconsistent and game still tends to crash.

"all the categories that aren’t Any% go against it since the point of speedrunning is to beat a game ASAP" Can't agree. It's to beat game ASAP with selected rules/options. If the game offers multiple features/options and they majorly change the gameplay then it makes sense to create multiple categories.

ScarlettTheSystem, MuffinsiEA98 ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

What I wrote doesn't mean that I think this run should be timed by RTA btw. I fully understand that it's not possible to have fair competition with inconsistent load times when you time by RTA. It's just that IGT (or any similar timing method) makes the run longer in real-time, so you could say it goes against speedrunning nature. That's what I meant.

United States

As I said before, it's the same game, just on different platforms. Also, why are they even separate? It would make the most sense to use the IGT in speedrun mode and to combine the PC and PS5's leaderboards together.


Everyone has opinions and people always love to complain about something, the timing method for PC isn't going to change and we will not be merging the boards as like I said, there's reasons behind both of these decisions. Just because one person decides to complain about something so minor doesn't mean we are going to make said change. I'm locking this thread as it seems to have derailed from the main point.


@DNB_ If you wanna talk about it more, feel free to DM me on discord.

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