Araç: IGT All Events Calculator
IGT All Events Calculator
Güncelleme tarihi 4 months ago tarafından Olivia_ssb

I decided to make a document to time All Event runs for both users and mods! I will first give a brief tutorial on how to get and use the document for your own use and then how to use the document for runs!


Open the document and go to "File -> Make a Copy" and done :)

IMPORTANT NOTES Do NOT use normal copy/paste instructions on the document! They will change the reference of key cells and make it unusable! If you want to copy the values somewhere else, use "Paste Only Values" or CTRL-SHIFT-V. You may use the usual method of copy/paste into a document of a different type (i.e. txt files).


The document layout may be a bit confusing, so I'll go over that really quickly.


This is where you will put the event number! If you need to repeat an event for any reason, you should put the times for each attempt on a different line. You can decide to either put the event number for repeated events or leave it blank! For example:

As you can see, there isn't a difference to whether you put the event at the beginning or leave it blank! You would just need the first instance of an event.

NOTE The "EVENT" section is not mandatory and is simply for formatting purposes to put into the description of your run. It also helps with knowing what part of the run times occurred.


There is a section for Minutes, Seconds, and Centiseconds. These are the columns in which you will place your how long it takes you to play an event. NOTE If it is an event where the timer counts down, refer to the HELPERS section of this guide or manually get the time.

NOTE If a spot is blank in one of these, it will treat it as 0.


This section is mainly for events that have a countdown timer instead of a countup timer. All you have to do is put the SECONDS AND CENTISECONDS into the "G2" cell (the one next to the words "INSERT TO RIGHT") and then grab the values from the corresponding time. If an event ends at X:02.80 (on a countdown timer), simply write 2.80. If it took more than a minute, but less than 2 minutes, grab the numbers from the "120" row. There are some events with weird numbers in it, so I've made seperate rows for those as well.

To get the numbers from that and put it into the times on the left, you can either manually write them in or copy and "Paste Only Values". Do NOT use normal copy/paste methods!


Now for (almost) the final part! Once you have put all of your times in, the document will automatically calculate the final time of your run! And it puts it in the format! The "FINAL TIME SEPERATE" is simply there to make sure that the final time is actually correct.


Once you have got your time and are able to submit your run, copy the values from the "E" column, and paste them into a notepad, then copy from the notepad and paste them into the description of your submission! If you want to put the "+"s into the same row as the same event, go and fix that as well! NOTE doesn't like when you directly paste from the excel document, which is why you put it into the notepad first.

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