Mod Applications
4 years ago
Georgia, USA

As you may have heard, we're going to be adding a new mod or two in light of recent events; This forum is for purpose of publicly saying you'd like to be a mod. Please state why youd make a good mod, and keep other conversations out of this thread. After a few applicants are in, a strawpoll will be made and posted here so the Soul Knight Speedrun community can vote on who they think would do the best.

Dragtuber, SpyCrab ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi

I think I would be well suited for the position of moderator.

  1. I have a way to time timerless runs frame-perfectly by downloading the video and checking the time difference of the first frame of the run and the frame the crystal is placed.
  2. I already call out problems on the site, do if I could deal with them first-hand I would be happy for that.
  3. I'm fairly active and there are 3 runs of mine that aren't veryfied/denied yet. And I'm working on a speedrun guide but I have to have a specific challenge mode for collecting footage. BUT I often leave this site for multiple months (and come back to weird changes) so in that time if I were to be the only mod the site would be dead. But maybe being a mod and having something to work on related to this site would keep me from going inactive.
Mivanwtf, Otterstone_Gamer ve 4 diğerleri bunu beğendi

I think I can be a moder. I did a lot for this game, but at the beginning of 2020 I felt impunity and made my non-legitimate wounds the first in the world. I think I need to be made a mod, but limit my power only to the usual mod

SpyCrab, Otterstone_Gamer ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Wisconsin, USA

I would love to be moderator of this game and feel like I qualify becuase: I've been here for awhile and I Love the game,it's so much fun, I'm active and I have plenty of ideas to add to the game! I'm really excited about this new opportunity as well! No matter what happens I'm happy where taking a step foward

SpyCrab, Otterstone_Gamer ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi

Since the second place was a tie, both of you deserve to be mods. A single mod is very uncivilized, and usually leads to 'diktature/monarchy'. I'm a bit sceptical of what pingvin will do, but it seems he really regretted his mistakes that seem to have been unintentional.

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We have updated the rules for English to make them look more presentable. You can find the written version by Ghostt here:

Furthermore, new categories!

While they are not new game modes, we

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