Couple of Ideas
6 years ago
Georgia, USA

1.So this game has a few consistent runners, but I was thinking of trying to get this game out there as a good mobile game for speedrunning, a few ideas to do this I had was doing collaborations with some people here on tips and ways to get into speedrunning this game on YouTube, as well as trying to spread it with word of mouth and get people you think would be interested to give it a try.

  1. I'm going to be busy with school starting up so I'm looking for people to step up and work as mods or at least verifiers, if interested respond here.
Virginia, USA

I’ll try to get the soul knight reddit community to do some runs.

I would also be interested in becoming a mod. I could check for runs twice a day.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
Georgia, USA

Alright, also wait there's a Reddit for this game?

Virginia, USA

Yup. 2500 people. It’s a active community.

Virginia, USA

I might make a “Why You Should Speedrun Soul Knight” video for Reddit. Anything specific things I should put/ideas?

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
SpyCrab bunu beğeniyor
Georgia, USA

Not sure honestly. Acknowledge the fact that its a fast paced game which makes speedrunning more fun.

Virginia, USA

Can you guys give feedback on my video to get more people to play/speedrun Soul Knight?


Hey guys. I’m starting a series where I talk about different types of games. This series will be called “Game Party” If you enjoy, tell me in the comments.

Today, I am talking about soul knight. Soul knight is a top down rouge like dungeon crawler filled with action. There are 15 floors of monsters, and to deal with them, you get guns, swords, bows, rockets, and… meat. You can choose to beat an enemy with a drumstick.

If you like action packed top down view 8-bit shooters, then this game is for you. What I like about it is how it is simple to learn, but hard to master. You can play casually, or beat the game as fast as you can while doing challenges. Any way you play, you can expect a lot of bullet fire in all directions.

When you first begin the game, you only start with a knight. He is one of the most well-balanced characters in this game. As you play more, you can unlock the poisonous alchemist, the rolling rogue, the skillful assassin, the magic wizard, the sharp shooter elf, the careful priest, and if you work hard enough, the electric robot. If you feel like it, you can also buy characters. There is the armored paladin, the resourceful engineer, the healing vampire, the risky werewolf, and the sharp berserker.

There are other things in the living room to explore as well. You can plant a garden full of buffs and materials, craft weapons with the crafting table, and upgrade the items around the room to increase your speed, damage, and others.

The 15 floors of the game are split up into 3 sections. After every 5 floors, you must fight a boss. There are 14 bosses, but one gets selected randomly for you to fight. These bosses are the Devil’s Snare, the Goblin Priest, the King Snow Ape, the Giant Crystal Crab, the Grand Knight, the Grand Wizard, C6H8O6, the Skeleton King, the Varkolyn Leader, Zulan the Colossus, the Baby Dragon Bros, and the Volcanic Sandworm.

The most unique one out of all the bosses is definitely the Devil’s Snare. He just stays in the center of the map while constantly shooting bullets in all directions taking only small breaks. This makes it so you have to time your attacks so you don’t have to get hit.

Don’t worry, as you venture the dungeon, there are things to help you. You can buy items from the shop, get weapons from the chests, heal by drinking water, and test your luck with wishing wells, vending machines, and furnaces. Finally, you can get help from randomly appearing explorers or people from the living room to give you items or fight with you. The first 4 floors are easy enough. Just kill the weak enemies while collecting loot. When you get to floor 5, the boss is the first real challenge. They have a lot of HP and can do damage quickly. If you manage to beat the boss, you will be rewarded with a powerful boss weapon. You should also be getting your third buff. What is a buff you may ask? It is a power up that you get to keep for the rest of your playthrough.

Same thing for floors 6-10. You kill enemies to get to floor 10. The boss should be no problem this time for me because I have a follower. As mentioned before, followers are minions that fight will you until they die. You can buff them by finding a drillmaster within the floors. Bosses are way easier if you keep moving. While I beat this boss, lets talk about statues. They are powers that activate whenever you use your ability. You can find them within floors. OK, the boss is now dead, but my minion… is… dead… Oh well! I didn’t expect him to last long anyways.

Floors 11-15 can be a nightmare if you are unprepared. One of the floors have a lava floor that you can’t touch parts of, while the other has a bunch of poison that will quickly lower your health. I didn’t get either buff the prevent fire or poison damage, but I should be fine if I am careful. At the poison area, the enemies are way stronger than previously. They shoot fast high damage lasers now.

After taking some damage, I make it to the final boss. I can finish this game playthrough once and for all! Oh… I died. Luckily, the game lets you revive once with either gems or watching a video. This time, I’ll beat the boss.

The boss is finally dead. I can head to floor 16 to finish the game. I place the stone on the table and complete the game. You get rewarded gems based on how well you did. Back in the living room, you can use your gems to upgrade things.

My favorite part about Soul Knight is speed running. If you go to or click the link in the description, you will see a chart of who can beat the game the fastest. There are multiple categories ranging from solo, multiplayer, and even how fast you can lose. The community mods are quick to respond to any questions or approve any runs. There is always room for improvement, and none of the runs are perfect. Therefore, you could own a world record if you try. If you want to learn more about soul knight, ask the soul knight reddit or If you want to learn more about speed running, ask

Thanks for watching today’s video on Soul Knight. This was a different type of video then what I usually post, but I hope you like it! Se ya!

End script.

Any feedback helps.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 5 years ago
SpyCrab bunu beğeniyor
Georgia, USA

Definitely a nice high quality script, hits key points to the idea of speedrunning this game, I can't think of anything to add or change.

Virginia, USA

I’m thinking about doing a multi character speed run this month where I complete the game with most of the characters. I can’t make an all character speed run because the game is always getting new characters. I was thinking it could be a five character run because that would still allow free to play runners to run this category. Sorry if I’m filling the game with too many categories.

Perhaps an all alone speedrun? Where you cannot get help from npcs?


I think bringing the weaponless run would be good. (Maybe in only world one?)

Georgia, USA

These ideas are all actually pretty good, but before I add any more catergories, I need to know that more than one person is going to run them.

Dragon_Turtle bunu beğeniyor
Florida, USA

We need trekking pole only run lmao

GamingAries ve Dragon_Turtle bunu beğendi

What do you think about Vampire-less, the Vampire makes the runs RNG-based, and somewhat pay to win?

Georgia, USA

Forgot to keep tabs on Speedun, but once I have access to a computer to physically type the new catergories, since editing the page is a pain through phone, I plan to add the Vampire-less catergories, and (possibly as a joke unless we get some runs) Trekking Pole.


Is quitting the game and reloading, to get vampire (or anything from bosses to weapon drops) legal?

Georgia, USA

I don't think that's ever come up, but I see no reason why it shouldn't be legal.

SpyCrab bunu beğeniyor
Oyun istatistikleri
En Son Haberler

We have updated the rules for English to make them look more presentable. You can find the written version by Ghostt here:

Furthermore, new categories!

While they are not new game modes, we

6 months ago
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