1 year ago
Warmińsko-mazurskie, Poland

what about that player's who have bad internet and can't obs rec and have cklik's sound and somehow got top 2 in piggy?

Warmińsko-mazurskie, Poland

can't have sounds cklik*

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

well if ur pc doesnt run obs, u can just record it by ur phone/camera and make sure ur clicks are hearable on the video

Warmińsko-mazurskie, Poland

but what then if he don't have a phone he/she

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

just borrow ur grandma's then

Warmińsko-mazurskie, Poland

but what if grandma died and grandpa too and mom too and dad have for work his phone?

Georgia, USA

Sounds like an excuse at that point

United States

Yea lol