Load-Remover Testing
7 years ago

A week ago I created a load-remover for Overgrowth, but it seemed to also cause crashes on the King fight loading screen. Is anyone willing to test it and see if it also crashes or if it's just my computer? You can find it under Resources. Thanks in advance.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
GoodleShoes bunu beğeniyor
Washington, USA

I've finished my runs for the day, but I can check at some point this week.


Since the game was updated I'll have to make a new one, and while I'm at it I'll also do it for the Overgrowth Story as that seems like it would be affected by loading times more. If I have time I'll try to make an auto-splitter too, but don't count on it. :)

Washington, USA

That'd be a huge help. I went to try and figure out how ASL works to write an autosplitter for the Overgrowth Story, but couldn't figure it out and school kind of caught up to me (currently writing a paper that's at 45 pages and I'm about 60% done overall lol).

There really should be an easy-to-follow tutorial out there that explains everything from "here's how you figure out the memory addresses to access" to "here's how you put that info into ASL", although if there is I can't find it.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago

There are, but they all expect you to know bits from the other. What I do is basically copy someone else's code that I understand and then change out the adresses for the ones I get from Cheat Engine. The documentation is there if you want to try as well: https://github.com/LiveSplit/LiveSplit/blob/master/Documentation/Auto-Splitters.md https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNffuWEygffbbT9Vz-Y1NXQxv2m6mrmHr

BtheDestroyer bunu beğeniyor

Load-Remover can now be found in Resources. Respond here if you find bugs or anything strange. I'll try to get the auto-splitter working as well. :P

BtheDestroyer bunu beğeniyor
Washington, USA

School kind of killed me this week so I'll probably be back to running next week. I'll test it then and let you know how it goes.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
Washington, USA

Just tried it and it didn't do anything. Is it really supposed to be this short? https://puu.sh/ycVgY/fca46cfdd9.png


Yes. All it does (so far) is when it detects 0 at that address it pauses the timer. Did you set your timing to Game Time? Thanks!

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
Santa Cruz, CA, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

I'm hoping that someone else can check the load remover to see if it starts timing again when transitioning to canyon ambush. In my game it pauses on load into the level then stays paused until you finish it. I've tested it with the same result every time.


I'm looked back at one of my runs and it also happens to me there (and in Cat City after a crash). I'll have to look into why that happens and fix it. Thanks for noticing.

EDIT: I found a new address that works in Canyon Ambush and Cat City as well. I updated the Load-Remover and hopefully no other levels are skipped :) (You can find the new version under Resources)

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
Santa Cruz, CA, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago


Santa Cruz, CA, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Okay so now it doesn't pause or completely remove loads it just slows down? It's hard to tell but the timer definitely doesn't remove the same loading blocks as before


Oops. I forgot to change the 0 to a 1. This new address is the complete opposite of the other one. I blame my tiredness :P I updated it again.

EDIT: After more testing I found another mistake; the BASE_MODULE is different. Instead of "Overgrowth.exe" (what it was with the previous address) it is ""SDL2.dll". I just assumed it would be the same. You know what they say, assume and you make an ass out of u and me.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago
Washington, USA

Just tried it out. It paused during the entirety of Cat City and Canyon Ambush. I'll try it again and see if it was a weird fluke?


Do you have the newest version? 1.1.0?

Washington, USA

I tried it again with the new download and it worked fine (I think my browser cached the old download link or something). Now to wait for the devs to fix the memory leak so the game stops crashing and I'll actually be able to use the autosplitter


Yeah. The crashes are the only thing that mess it up. I think it does still pause the game if you crashed during a loading screen and it will stay paused until you start the level (It unpauses for a sec in the menu). I haven't seen what it does to the splitter yet. In case you only want the load-removal and not the auto-splitter, you can remove the part in the .asl file with split {someCode}. Let me know if you need help with anything :)

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 6 years ago

I guess I forgot to say it here: The new Load-Remover and Auto-Splitter (version 2.0.0) seems to work well. Feel free to use it. There are currently no known bugs, but if you find any let me know. It should work for Lugaru, Overgrowth, and Therium 2.

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