Idea: Pile of junk
1 year ago

I don't have the game myself yet, but I've seen a few LPs and I researched stuff. When someone categorised the game as "sandbox", I wondered how much you could actually make/construct in it. And then I had the idea to make a pile of every object that can be picked up: · scroll · projection stone (technically even many types) · Solanum's stones (technically even six types) · warp core (maybe differentiate between regular and advanced or even empty/white/black/advanced/broken) · artifact (maybe differentiate between normal and experimental) · lantern (maybe differentiate between lit and extinguished) You can also move your ship and your player character. Rafts and glowing orbs can be moved, but in a limited way. You can also push/ram some objects around like skeletons, Feldspar's ship, the floating lights near the Dark bramble escape pod or probably also the parts of your ship after its reactor explodes, but including those would make the challenge very annoying. I also think that just one variation of everything I listed should be included, otherwise it gets too repetitive and with all types pretty surely impossible to collect everything in time. Maybe including the broken warp core could be fun, because it's a unique extra challenge, you don't normally need to get out of Dark bramble again. Once I have the game myself, I definitely want to try this challenge, but that could take a while. Maybe until then someone else wants to give it a go!


To suggest new categories and find people who might want to run them you should join the Discord server, we even have a spreadsheet for unofficial categories, if other people are interested then yeah it could become a real category ::D I'm not sure if the pile aspect would be possible since most objects don't actually have an hitbox but it could be a cool challenge to gather everything, and I don't think it's been done before! (for ultimate difficulty you could also add some reels)

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 1 year ago

im in the discord trying to make this a reality cause its really fun actually (ive done a couple tests but never put together a full run)

Fabian42 bunu beğeniyor