Know your speed running terms.
Know your speed running terms.
Güncelleme tarihi 3 years ago tarafından Tanksalot

Any %: A speedrun where you beat the game as fast as possible with usually few to no run restrictions.

100% Speedrun: When you speedrun completing everything in the game.

Blindfolded Run: Where you beat the game blindfolded.

Country Record: The fastest time in your country.

Intended percent: A speedrun where you do the intended minimum to beat the game.

Level Run: A speedrun of a certain level in the game.

Lines: The direct path you take to beat a level.

Local Record: The fastest time in a local area.

Meme Speedrun: When you race to do a certain meme in the game as fast as possible(with possible rules).

No Glitch Run: A speedrun rule where use of glitches are banned.

N.T.S.C.(National Television System Committee): A version of a game that runs faster then P.A.L.(Phase Alternate Line).

P.A.L.(Phase Alternate Line): A version of the game that runs slower than N.T.S.C.(National Television System Committee).

R.N.G.(Random Number Generator): The term for random chance in the game.

R.N.G.(Random Number Generator) Manipulation: When you manipulate the games randomness in your favour.

R.T.A.(Real Time Attack): When you use a real time timer to time your runs.

Single Segment: A speedrun where you add up all the in game times you get on each level.

Speedrun: When someone attempts to beat the game as fast as possible with certain rules.

Strategy: The route you beat the game in.

Sub: When you get under a certain time in a speedrun.

Sum of Best: When you add up all your personal bests(P.B.).

T.A.S.(Tool Assisted Speedrun): A speedrun where you use an emulator to create a theoretically perfect time or for demonstration.

Theoretical Perfect Run: A speedrun that theoretically can't go lower, only tied.

Tied World Record: When someone ties the world record with one or more people.

World Record(W.R.): The fastest time in the world.

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