(OUTDATED) Any% Guide
(OUTDATED) Any% Guide
Güncelleme tarihi 3 years ago tarafından ThinksTheClown

General Notes Orc Hewer is X,X,Square or speed,speed fierce...But you already knew that Legolas' Arrows are the best Perfect mode(and Legolas' special ability to increase damage) can kill enemies, particularly ghosts, quicker Charged arrows are stronger You understand that a Fellowship upgrade works for all characters right? Of course you do. The level order can be altered slightly if you want to.

Although I don't think the guide will help very much (it's not how I would learn the speedrun) I thought I may as well put something up, it couldn't hurt.

Level 1 Helm's Deep 1 Is a auto-scroller section, use the time to shoot the Uruks to gain experience points If you want you can use Gandalf's shield just as the rubble is destroyed

	2	For my game the Wall cutscene can glitch and not activate for 30 seconds. To prevent that, I walk halfway along the wall in order to shoot the crossbows, in a left,right,left,right pattern				
	3	I think all 3 catapults must be fired to complete the level				
Level up						
	Buy Fellowship Orc Hewer					
	Buy Wizards power and Gandalf's first projectile upgrade					

SAVE and reset game to skip cut-scene

Level 2 Osgiliath 1 Most of this level involves running past enemies to the end of each section. The 'trick' is to predict what each ai will do and get used to their attack range Only stop to hit the enemies which are about to hit you This can be extremely annoying, but it's most of the run.

	2	In the sewer you need to open the gate				
		If you want you can use Sam's invisibility power to kill the boss orc				
		You just have to activate the gate 3 times and hope you can do it without being blocked				

Level 3 Shelobs Lair 1 This first bit is easy to get lost in, and there two ways around, they are probably the same length. The small spider walls on the ground can be skipped by using the jump back button For the first cobweb it's best to just kill the nearest spiders before using the torch, as they'll block you.

	2	There's lots of orc and spider dodging, and the last section is the hardest, when the cobweb has been burned, you have many spider walls to cross then 3 archers come out to shoot you				
Health:	This is the most tricky bit, because health drops are random				
		You might need decent health for the boss fight, so if it doesn't drop, then deliberately dying could be faster so that you begin the boss fight with full health				
Shelob: Three hit speed combo or Orc Hewer, preferably right into her face.				
		Ideally when Shelob runs away into the wall, you need to follow and shoot her, then dodge so she does a slight stun animation.				
		This is tricky depending on what all the little spiders do, and where Shelob goes, that's why this fight is so difficult.				
Level up	Fellowship Rising Revenge					

Level 4 Isenguard 1 Dodge all the Uruks We go over the bridge, not under it

	2	Now I hate this section				
		Kill 75 Orcs with the help of the Ents				
		The problem is the spawn rate of the enemies, you need to try and get the Uruks, (the tall ones) to spawn where you are, so you can kill them faster				
		If they're spawning far away that will slow this section down.				
		I try and kill them, then go to the right or left 'entrances' and begin shooting, and hope they start coming down the hill.				
	3	Don't blow up the archer towers, as it seems that this means no archers will attack the Ent in the last section.				
		The shield orcs on the bridge can be dealt with by Gandalfs shield which I found to be the most effective strategy.				
	4	I usually use Orc Hewer, then a parry and repeat to kill the Berserker at the Dam, and then shoot at the Dam to help break it.				

Level 5 Paths of the Dead Use Legolas

	1	Like Spider Walls, Ghost fog can be rushed through by backward jumps				
		A certain number of ghosts must be killed to get through the rocks				
		Perfect mode makes this much faster				
		Boss Ghosts (the ones with health bars) are killed quickly with two fully charged arrows and one not charged.				
	2	The Bridge at the end of the level is the fun bit				
		Standing at the end closest to the exit you can shoot the ghosts alternating between both ends.				
		You need to kill 35, and you only have maximum of 30 arrows, so you have to hope to get a drop				
Level up						
	Mithril Arrows					
	Light of Lothlorein					
	Fellowship Strength of Stone					

Level 6 King of the Dead Use Legolas

	1	Charged arrows are the key to winning quickly				
		The trick is that whenever you can shoot the King, you do				
		Some ways to make this easier:				
			If you are far enough away from the rocks, after killing the ghost minions. Running back to the camera can sometimes make the King spawn far away giving you more time to shoot him.			
			Standing so that the edge of a rock is between you and the King might stop him attacking you			
		In order to skip a cycle you must get a arrow into the King when he's on his way into the ground, you need to manually aim and get some luck for this to happen.				
	2	I don't have a way of giving steps for the three fights in the rock fall section, as they are quite random and chaotic.				
		In the Fog section keep the left to avoid getting hit from rocks				
		If you get pushed towards the rocks in the last fight, you die				

Level 7 Southern Gate Use Legolas

	1	You must kill the troll at the gate, preferably with the nearby spear, and then proceed to activate both left catapults				
		On the Wall shoot the 2nd troll				
	2	The Mumakil must be shot four?five? times with charged arrows, which can be quite difficult with infinitely spawning orcs around you.				
		Same problem with the gate winch. Ideally you want to use it continuously, whether you get hit or not. But sometimes you might need to kill the orcs for health				
		Using the hot oil may help you to get through the gate by clearing the orcs out of the way				

Level 8 Pelannor Fields Use Legolas

	1	I decided that arrows are still the best way to kill the 60 enemies				
		It's just tricky to continuously find a target without getting surrounded				
	2	Stand on the edge of the cliff to shoot the Mumak on the far left out of vision				
		Then head across the valley to the other side				
		This is the important section				
			The Mumakil needs to die, but so do the 2 Orcs on the right (to make things safer), and you need to be running back to the left where the Witch King turns up as soon as the Mumakil explodes			
			Two Easterlings will spawn.			
			The goal is to shoot the Witch King 5? Times with charged arrows.			
			Once you start shooting he will start to run, so you have to do it without stopping			
			The Easterlings will stop you, so kill them first			
			Also when the animation of the Witch King attacking Merry plays you can't hit him so wait for that to finish too			
			If you can't get the Witch king in one cycle you will have to kill another Mumakil			
Level up	Lothlorein arrows					

Level 9 Cirith Ungol 1 The 80 orcs vaguely happen as follows (Don't forget about Sams invisibility for the Boss Orcs in this level, he can stab them in the back) 20 from various kills up to the chandelier room 10 from boiling oil 20 from the chandelier drop 10 from the orcs along the staircase 10 from the drawbridge(and a couple more) 10 from the explosive barrels at the end of the section The ballista must be fired 2 Gorbag "normally" the orc will let you grab spears and use two of them on him There's not much you can do if he comes after you I use an Orc Hewer and stab twice each cycle

Level 10 Minas Tirith (Wall) A mostly autoscroll level Ideally you want Gandalf to level up, and knock down the ladders with kick so you don’t get overwhelmed The first section is waiting the a certain amount of time to pass, you must be near the catapult on the tower, when the siege tower cutscene plays Two shots will destroy the first tower, you must go and shoot at the 2nd, and the third is back at the catapult Don't shoot the Nazgul otherwise he blocks the path. A few shots will destroy the last tower, then you can run to the end of the level Level up If Gandalf got a level up you can get his next projectile attack

Level 11 Minas Tirith (Courtyard)

		A odd autoscroll, and rng, but you have to work, kind of level				
		The women can die by random catapults, but you have to work to kill the orcs closest to them.				
		So you have to learn which entrance they are coming out of next.				

Level 12 Black Gate Use Legolas

	1	Orc Hewer will beat the Mouth, but I also sometimes use very quick fierce attacks				
	2	This is very much an autoscroller until the boss orcs with health bars appear				
		Then need to be shot as quickly as possible				
		So try and clear the field, particularly the archers				
		After three boss orcs the first wave ends				
		Most know about the boss orc coming in on the far right straight away.				
		Then another comes from the front				
		The behavior from these can be different, plus you need to make sure the three characters are still alive				
		Standing next to them will replenish their health				
	3	Ideally 3 arrows each will kill the Nazgul				
		Hope you have enough left				

Level 13 Crack of Doom

	I don’t know.					
	Go near the edges, hope Gollum lunges at you, push him and stab him					
	Sam unfortunately will try and disrupt this, and sometimes Gollum will run around crazily instead of the edge you want him at.
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