20:140 world record
4 years ago

Hey,everyone.I want to discuss with you the record 20: 140, set by the player with the nickname frameperfectsmile, because I find it very suspicious. (Also write your guesses in the discussion) I did a little investigation and this is what I found. Other runners (including me) from the moment the start of drawing and until the screen is completely shut down, it takes about 3.5 seconds (I mean only moments when the drawing was guessed instantly), while our record holder has only 2 seconds and it is impossible to check the real speed due to the absence of game sounds (I have there are no sounds in the wound either,but on loading I have everything, like others + I can throw off the recording of the full session) Question: how did he achieve such a fast loading? Why is this observed only with him and others not? The time from the beginning of drawing to the moment of guessing the picture he has 0.3 seconds, while all other runners have about 1 second (the simplicity of the drawing does not affect the speed at which the neural network guesses the drawings, I know from practice,if you don’t believe, you can check it yourself) (I watched the time in milliseconds frame by frame in the video editor, if you don’t believe, you can check it yourself) ...I have provided all the evidence I could find, and what will happen with this wound will depend on the moderators. I believe that the video is accelerated and a timer is imposed. I believe that there should be 2 development here, 1 If the legitimacy of this wound is proven, I will delete the post and I personally apologize to the runner, 2If the use of video acceleration is proven to remove the wound, since it is impossible to calculate the real speed of the wound based on this video. I hope we will soon hear the opinion of the moderators on this

Växjö, Sweden

Here is a video showing that the run is missing 6 seconds of animation/loading time:

United States

the run has been rejected, thank you guys for bringing this to my attention

Gaming_64, Pear, ve JackPro bunu beğendi