24, 44 and 87 Star Available Star Times
24, 44 and 87 Star Available Star Times
Güncelleme tarihi 6 years ago tarafından CornbreadSnake

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRGDf1JqV0T53tGE2JSzYSTykeQ0LKg-YoKHYM66Z5peyU1T2eWlnxxvB3bByAACzr4m8pbOO5LdnCd/pubhtml Notes, this is more of a "how much time this star will add to my route if I played close to optimal" rather then a showcase of my IL's, especially sense the time of going through the hub world to the level is added to the stars time as obviously the time of travelling the hub world isn't taken out of a run. The ranks are sorted like this, the number of F ranks is how many available stars there are for the category minus how many stars you need for said category, in the case of 24 star its 32 - 22, so 10 F ranks, and the rest of the ranks were just distributed as equally as possible with the remaining stars. By available stars, I mean stars you would get for the category reasonably, like for 44 star you wouldn't do anything past the 42 star door except for the final boss and shrine star.

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