HELLO! New to the site
5 years ago
Illinois, USA

Hello you can call me Dust. Im really glad to have finally joined the speedrunning community. Been thinking about it for a while now. I am here to submit my speedruns for Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. First I would like to share a bit about me and speedrunning.

I wouldn't call myself a speedrunner. I have only played around with it a few times for fun. It all started with Resident Evil Revelations Raid Mode about 7 years ago. Specifically the final stage Ghost Ship full trinity run. A friend and I played constantly and one day we realised we were so good we started speeding it. World record was on PC around 21 minutes duo, and I believe 27 minutes solo. We were hitting around 25 minutes, and my solo record was 29 minutes solo. Just under 30. We played on console which gave us a huge disadvantage for one reason. Aim sensitivity. PC users can aim and get around much quicker than us, as console sensitivity max was locked, and it was pretty slow. The impact on speed was tremendous. We may have had some WR's for the console version at the time, but we didnt care we were just doing it for fun.

Anyways 7 years later I started practicing speedruns for Shadow Tactics. Just recently I finally finished my final level after so much grind. Man it was painful but so worth it. Felt so good seeing the endscreen of that last most difficult stage. I have all 13 levels uploaded on my youtube channel ready for view. Again I play on console, so I am at a mass disadvantage compared to the PC player, however I feel my times are very impressive considering. There are many tricks on PC that are literally impossible to do on console. Even so I still want to submit my times.

One final thing. On stage 13 there are 2 ways to go about the mission. One strat is a cheese that ends the mission in about 2:20. I didn't do that. My version is the full mission in 16:28. I firmly believe this mission should have 2 categories. Full run and short. If a full run category becomes a thing I may have a current world record as I have not found anyone else do it faster. It would be short lived though as the PC players would crush it.

If you read this far thank you for your time. If you want to see my speedruns let me know!

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 5 years ago
Richmond, VA, USA

Welcome aboard Dust. Shadow Tactics, I've never played that one sounds like a fun game thought. Good luck on the runs!

If you had any ideas or questions directly about that game, it would be more beneficial to post them in the game specific forums. https://www.speedrun.com/shadow_tactics/forum

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 5 years ago
Illinois, USA

Thanks ya I did throw a quick post there yesterday. Seems pretty quiet over there not many runners.

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