Possible Time Save on 1.3
Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello everyone. I came across some sort of bug on mission 1.3 that might be able to save some time, maybe 10-20 seconds at most.

You know how midway through the mission you have to chase down the commander to that tower at the back of the fort? Well, for some unknown reason, I'm sometimes able to get him to stop and fight me earlier than normal, near the two enemies in the middle of the fort. Based on my observations, he gets caught on the boxes on the right wall and is forced to run along them for a second or two, giving me enough time to run up to him and make him stop. I plan on getting video of this and adding to this post so you can see what I mean.

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this in their runs. If so, is there any way we can make this bug happen consistently so we can save time?

Toronto, ON, Canada

Here is a video I got of the bug taking place:


The video doesn't work anymore but i can confirm you can do it! The main problem is the the guy who must open the door because it can be stuck for no reason and it's a real pain each time!

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