Getting started
Getting started
Güncelleme tarihi 7 years ago tarafından Tobür

For now, It's not required that the runner obtains the full release of the game. The free shareware version can be found on this website: Where it says "Download the zip file (400K)" found here:

To run this game, it's allowed you do so from a computer already running DOS, or from an emulator such as "DOS BOX" "Dox Box" can be found here:

To use DOS BOX the user needs to know a bit of the operative system DOS, (tutorial here: )

But to keep steps simple, you should do the following:

  1. Download game's zip from website
  2. Extract zip using a software such as "winrar" or "7zip" to a folder location of the runner preference
    • note: the closest you've extracted the game to the root of your hardrive (ex.: C:) the better
  3. after installing "DOS Box", open it
  4. on the console type "mount X X:[file directory]"
    • note: "X" being the root of where you extracted the game (ex.: "mount D D:\games)
  5. on the console type "X:"
    • note: again, "X" being the root of where you extracted the game
  6. navigate to where the games executable is (capflag.exe)
    • to navigate you can mainly use the command "cd" (ex.: on the console it shows "D:\games> _" if you've left the game's folder in "D:\games\DOS\capture5", you'll need to enter the command "cd DOS", then "cd capture5"
    • "cd" in DOS stands for "change directory"
  7. finally to run the game, you simply need to be on the correct directory and type the name of the executable (by default: "capflag" and the game should run on the same window as the console.
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Yayınlanma tarihi 7 years ago
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