NG+ 100% and NG 100% rule issues between different versions
2 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I think that there needs to either be a separate category between the 3DS version and the port versions or there needs to be a specific ruling that states that accessories for the port exclusive characters don't need to be acquired.

Side note: I don't know if this is necessary for the Any% Dungeon Level categories (because the Switch version compared to the 3DS version for example has quicker access to items, or at least I think so from what I've heard- which means that using the "Jump" item might be quicker and easier, which gives the Switch version an advantage for those categories if that is true).

While the rules for the Dungeon Levels are debatable because of UI differences and having shortcut Item and Accessory buttons, I don't think that the current NG+ 100% and NH 100% rules are debatable and they should be changed slightly to reflect that the port versions have 2 extra characters, and thus, they have 2 extra accessories compared to the 3DS version. As opposed to an issue of mechanical/UI differences which may be seen across different platforms, the way that the rules are written now (which lumps all versions together, yet requires each version to 100% all accessories available to them).

Personally, because the port versions have more character options than the 3DS version, I believe that they should be grouped separately from each other in all categories (because added characters pose a significant possible advantage). Even if they aren't used now, they could be used someday later on. To someone who's playing on 3DS, it seems unfair to be compared to someone with shortcut buttons and also access to Klinsy and Neville. The way that I see it, it's similar enough to Pokemon R/B vs Y or Pokemon D/P vs Platinum. While some things can be mimicked in different versions, they may either need to follow the EXACT rules, or they have to be grouped separately. My point is, the Brave Dungeon versions are similar to each other, but I believe that they are significantly different enough to be distinguishable.

(By having exact rules in this case, assuming that all versions continue to be grouped together, I mean, for example "All accessories must be collected, barring Klinsy's and Neville's personal accessories". As of right now with the rules written as they are, despite having the same wording, are not exact rules for each version, respectively).

I just see the ports as having too major of differences to be treated as the same. I guess it would be comparable to MvC3: Fate of 2 Worlds and Ultimate MvC3. While they are pretty much the same game, Ultimate MvC3 has an expanded roster.

To those reading this and think that the versions should not be categorized separately, having considered the added characters, at the very least, we should change the rules to collect all accessories so that they are equal among all versions.

tl;dr If we proceed to keep different versions lumped together, we should at least word the rules for NG+ 100% and NG 100% differently. Alternatively, it may be worth taking into consideration separating the versions and creating new categories for them.

Oersted_LaL bunu beğeniyor

will be fixed tomorrow, i just got busy and lim hasnt been online in a while