I am now the moderator for this game.
I am now the moderator for this game.
Postad 1 year ago av

This is new to me, at least for speedrun.com.

I'm going to spend a minute reading the rules for modding on here before making any changes or anything like that, but I do want to talk about why I applied.

I submitted a run around maybe a month before requesting to be a mod. It wasn't getting accepted and I felt like the game needed some activity, so I sent the request and it was accepted. Even without the inactivity of the previous mod, I still wanted to apply because of some rules I think need changing.

I wont make nay of these rules apply until I read up on the moderation rules, but this is the general idea.

The current rules state that the way you verify that a run is legit is to delete your entire save file, then play the game fresh from steam. I presume this was done to prevent people from altering the games files (Which is remarkably easy) and making characters broken, even if it isnt super noticeable. I purpose that instead of that, people are allowed to use existing game files, but before time starts on the run, you must hit left shift (or left trigger) to show the stats of the player. This way, its much more convenient to do multiple attempts, and its much much harder to fake runs. The current way, theres still ways to launch false executables with the broken characters, even if it looks like youve wiped your file. The way im proposing makes it very hard to fake.

In the current rules, time starts when you load into the level, as in before you start the first round. I purpose time should start when you hit enter (or back) to start the round. That way you have a moment to get your timer ready and show your character stats.

In the current rules the default run involves no unlockable characters or hats. this part is more a matter of opinion, but I personally feel that the default should be all characters and hats allowed. I personally think this adds a lot more strategy and planning to runs. It seems quite boring that everyone just picks lynda because of her starting weapon and... thats it. Shes the fastest. theres not much debate there as far as the starting characters go. With all characters and hats, it opens up much more room for interesting runs. Sometimes you want to optimize explosives and water damage to use the frost bow, or you want to optimise your starting weapon and a melee weapon to b-line it to the lightning zapper or nuke, whatever. If this goes exactly how I want, i would make all characters and hats the default category, and move the old runs to their own category to preserve those old runs.

Ill make a few more posts just to share some links and whatnot.

If you have a run that isnt getting verified or you have a question or whatever, my discord is Patches#0639. I tend to respond there much quicker.

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New rules!

That is unless someone convinces me otherwise.

I stated why I'm making these changes in my other post "I am now the moderator for this game" so go ahead and read that if you want to know why things were changed

Timing starts on the start of the first wave, as in, right when you press "ready" f

1 year ago
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