Updates: Categories/Discord
3 years ago
California, USA

Edit as of 11/8/20

It's been a little over a week since the full release, and Hippo and I have been fiddling around with the game, trying to find optimal routes/strats, skips, and attempting to make a fair set of rules for Full Game and Individual Chapter runs. Will update in a separate post when we've achieved this. Thank you for everyone who has been interested in running/submitting. We appreciate the interest and patience.

Original Post: Please disregard now that the full game is out.

After almost two years of Visage's first Chapter releasing, the speedrunning scene has been very inactive, with only a handful of people doing runs. Some of them are on YouTube and aren't even submitted here. With that said, my initial Discord forum post here has been deleted, simply due to the fact that the channel itself was deleted. I'd be open to remaking it if the game picks up activity from the full release.

Which leads me to my next topic. The full release. When that does happen sometime this year (hopefully), I am grandfathering in Lucy's Chapter and Chapter 1 & 2 as Misc. categories, and renaming the Glitchless category to No Major Glitches, as there are some exploits that some wouldn't consider glitches in the run. Any% and Any% NMG will be available to everyone, and the rules will probably stay the same, unless something really crazy is found from the two new chapters being added. I will also be open to making a 100% category for collectibles, minus any Easter Egg ones that may not be applicable.

Anyways, that's about all I have to post here. Just wanted to get this out there because I find the game is quite popular, yet lacks activity in speedrunning. Hoping to see that change with the full release.

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