oxitran7 years ago

I noticed something weird about the whole drowning scenario. If you get frozen by an enemy and then fall into water, the game will let your stamina rebuild in the water without killing you. You can then break the ice and swim away unscathed.

Dont know if this will help anyone, but I felt I should put it out there.

Oxknifer tycker om detta
oxitran8 years ago

I found some stream footage of when I first noticed the glitch, plus some good boosts.

oxitran8 years ago

Sweet, He got a really good on eat the end of the video there. I have no idea what causes the variance in the speed boost yet. I posted this video just recently so I'll link it anyways, I didnt get any really good ones in the video yet, best one I ever got manages to shoot through/over a few polygons in the level and fly across some water but I dont have that footage :( Sadly it seem collision detection is still in full affect even when u get the speed up

oxitran8 years ago

I will post a video of it later. I should add to try it in the Zora armor.

oxitran8 years ago

Possibly New Glitch Entry:

I have been able to replicate a glitch that gives the Link character a massive speed boost.

How to do: For about 20 frames after Link changes from a swim animation to the walking in shallow water animation his model receives a velocity increase to change the speed to that of a walking pace, however if you hit the start button within these 20 or so frames Links character model will rapidly increase in velocity beyond what was intended and he will warp a seemingly random distance forwards.

Why it is worth noting: It is worth noting because I have been able to warp through geometry using the glitch. I have however only ever ended up warping through geometry and landing back into playable space, I have never come out of the warp inside the geometry, however it might be useful if needed to warp through a wall or such.

If you guys need help I can post a video on how to actually initiate the warp.

Om oxitran
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