Portland, OR, USAmarquisqp74 years ago

Hello, I'm not really in this community or anything, but I have some information that is probably interesting to this group: it is definitely possible to knockout Piston Honda II in 30 seconds flat, 10 seconds faster than the recorded world record for the level. I was watching my 7 year old son on our raspberry pi running emulation station, and he managed to land a series of lucky punches that triggered his special move where he backs up then comes at you and starts punching. He somehow triggered it twice before the 30 second mark, and each time a single punch was required to knock him down. The second time he was down for the count, and the clock said 0:30. I didn't realize it was a record until later when I checked the site. No video, we're not speedrunners, and that's pretty much as much as I can provide from memory, but I thought some of you might be interested to know that it is possible, if you're not already working on it!

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Om marquisqp7
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4 years ago
4 years ago