Western Australia, Australiael_wexico2 years ago

Greetings, it is me, that guy you used to know semi-closely ...

YOU have the oppurtunity to hold the speedrun record BEFORE my action packed game becomes COMPLETELY MAINSTREAM .... and before you say ANYTHING ... this game idea is completely original and IS NOT based on AMONG US

Link: https://sebastianhede.com/vanillaCookie/

Western Australia, Australiael_wexico2 years ago

Ok sorry for the clickbait but I just developed one of the hardest games known to man-kind and as it has been released today ........

YOU have the oppurtunity to hold the speedrun record BEFORE my action packed game becomes COMPLETELY MAINSTREAM, there is an in built leaderboard that you can enter once the game has been finished, best of luck gamers.

Link: https://sebastianhede.com/vanillaCookie/

YUMmy_Bacon5 tycker om detta
Om el_wexico
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2 years ago
2 years ago