Netherlandsdragonc04 years ago

Hello everyone! The last few years the LADX community has seen an increasing amount of interest in diverse categories. While Any% (No S+Q/WW/OoB) still sees some activity, Any% (No WW/OoB) has recently gained popularity. This raises the question for which category should be shown first on the leaderboards as shown on https://www.speedrun.com/ladx . In order to gauge interest we have started a poll, which you can find at https://forms.gle/2powkftAnY3fduUf8 .

See the image posted at https://imgur.com/a/ZQYGkGV to see what the difference is visually between the two options. We will keep the poll running for a week, and results will be made public after the vote is over. If you have any preference to which category should be shown on the main page of the leaderboards, please show your interest by voting in the poll and/or join the discord and join the discussion in #classic-general.

BUSHY_DAD tycker om detta
Netherlandsdragonc06 years ago

Hello everyone!

We're holding an Oracle of Seasons any% tournament starting August 27th with open registration! Deadline for registration is August 25th. All information regarding the tournament can be found on the challonge page https://challonge.com/seasons2018

In the meantime, we'll be doing Essence races up until the tourney, starting this Saturday (7th July, yes tomorrow!) 3 pm EDT (8 PM GMT, 9 PM CEST). We're starting with a 2 essence race and building it up each week with 1 essence to finish up with a full any% showcase before the tournament. These showcase races are separate from the tournament, so even if you do not want to join the tournament feel free to join any of the essence races coming up! The showcase races and tournament will be featured on https://www.twitch.tv/speedgaming , so be sure to tune in!

We hope to see you all there, be it participating in the essence races, tournament or just as viewers!

mashy, juiceboxmania och 4 andra gillar detta
tråd: Cave Noire
Netherlandsdragonc06 years ago

I have no option to test with GBP or gbi (don't have the equipment for it unfortunately). The hard reset for gambatte r614 is gbp accurate as far as I know. This is the reason why the pokemon community have allowed it as the only emulator for runs.

I am not opposed to banning the cutscene skips by hard resetting if there is a difference between sgb2 and gbp. I can't test this out myself so i don't know how it behaves there.

Thanks in advance for even considering this!

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tråd: Cave Noire
Netherlandsdragonc06 years ago

out of interest, would gambatte r614 resolve the issue? This is the version where they added a fadeout upon hard reset similar to gameboy player which would make it a more even playing field between emu and at least GBP (I don't know about SGB2). I don't know how the hard resets work on the common hardware standards so I can't form my opinion on if it's comparable enough. I did make a new comparison video with the gambatte r614 hard reset fadeout to show the difference

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tråd: Cave Noire
Netherlandsdragonc06 years ago

I was playing around with some 1-M stuff and was looking at ways to skip the 1-6 credits cutscene. Then I found that you could hard reset during the cutscene while still skipping your progress. This also works on the well cutscene after every stage which seems to save around 4 seconds. See the video I made for comparison

Wanted to put this up for discussion before using it in runs since reset times are a bit variable between platforms. What would be your opinion about using this in runs? (It would also seem to affect the first 4 stages run)

WolfMerrik och jal_ gillar detta
Netherlandsdragonc07 years ago

Are you playing on keyboard or on a controller?

Some keyboards have certain limitations on pressing multiple buttons at once, so you would have to look into certain button combinations that work together. I had to map my buttons around when I first started running this game because of this issue. Currently my setup uses IJKL for movement, S > A, D > B, U > start and O > select. You could probably find a similar setup with WASD too.

If it does not work on your controller also you'd probably have to check your keybinds, I can't help much with that since I don't use a controller for bgb.

Feel free to respond if this helped or not, maybe we can figure out how to get it fixed or find a workaround.

Netherlandsdragonc07 years ago

Mapping multiple keys to a single input or vice versa to give you an ingame advantage should not be allowed. This includes your setup with H and . to mash the A button faster, since this is not possible on the original console/controller where you only have 1 (one) A button.

The key question you should ask yourself when messing around with emulator/controller functions is if it gives you an (unfair) advantage over the (comparable to the) original.

Even though Gambatte has support for double binds does not mean it is allowed. Similar to savestates/speedup which are not allowed (seems logical no since they are functions which are not available on a gameboy).

Warr90 och Spiraster gillar detta
Netherlandsdragonc07 years ago

There aren't any rules or details mentioned for any of the meme runs. What would be nice to have is a list of:

  • Any restrictions (sq/ww/oob/dupe?) and/or banned actions?
  • When does the timer stop?
  • What exactly is the goal (looking at you "all upgrades")?

It would increase the clarity of the categories, since right now all you can go on is a category name.

I know warr90 had a list¤ of these memes with added details about restrictions and objective, is that the list we should use for these categories or are the rules too restrictive for some/all categories?

¤warr90's list of the memes: Fish the Pond - Any% - Catch every fish in the pond 999 Rupees - No WW/OoB - Time ends at 999 rupees L2 Sword - No Dupe/WW/OoB - Time ends when you touch the L2 Sword All Songs - No WW/OoB - Time Ends Once you recieve the last song Boomerang% - No WW/OoB - Time Ends once you recieve the Boomerang Color Dungeon - No WW/OoB - Time ends upon receiving the Tunic. All Pictures - No WW/OoB - Time Ends Once you had all 12 Pictures World Map Completion - No WW/OoB - Time Ends when you open your completed world map. Equipment Upgrade (Bomb,Arrow&Powder) - No WW/OoB - Time ends one your last upgrade from the Mad Batter. Trendy% - Win all the Items in the Trendy Game - Time ends on the collection of the last item. Save The Guy! - Save Papahl on Tal Tal Heights by giving him the Pineapple! Full Moon Cello - No WW/OoB - Complete D1 - Time ends when you collect the Cello.

Warr90 och Spiraster gillar detta
Netherlandsdragonc08 years ago

Hello and welcome!

In terms of techniques of learning any speedgame in general there are several ways to approach it.

  • Your rubix cube method: start from the beginning and each time get a little bit further into the game
  • Segment by segment: Learn up until every dungeon step by step, starting at the end of one dungeon and going to the next.
  • Wing it: Watch some tutorials on the speedrun and try to apply it all in one sitting

Every person has it's own techniques which they prefer. Especially in games like Link's Awakening DX the runs are not optimized to perfection, not every button you press have to be frameperfect. Instead it revolves on several tricks throughout the run.

As you mentioned, doing it the rubix cube way will take a lot longer. That's why a logical decision is to do it segment by segment and check in each segment which tricks are hard and what is just ordinary movement.

Overall, I definately recommend the no S&Q/WW/OOB tutorial ZorlaxSeven made for this game which can be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEw8BLPFL8Wu8rMKJ_5KiYFdYUT2rJTq7 . It's in nicely sized chunks so you can learn the game step by step getting further into the tutorial each time.

I hope you'll enjoy your first attempt of anything speedrun related in general! We also have a community discord where we chit chat alot and everyone can ask questions or ask for tips freely. The thread for that can be found in the forums also. Discord is a free service much like skype, it hosts servers where people can chat and talk to each other. Best of all, it can also be accessed in most browsers without any download so you can give it a try.

Hope to see you around! Dragonc0

TechWolf, BigolPHD och 2 andra gillar detta
Netherlandsdragonc08 years ago

For everyone interested in running Link's Awakening DX we have a community discord server which you can join via the following invite:


Feel free to jump in, introduce yourselves and/or ask questions about the game if you have any!

Pear tycker om detta
Netherlandsdragonc08 years ago

I agree with rapid: All Instruments, Any% ACE, and Legacy to misc.

Any%, Any% no wwoob, Any% no sqwwoob, 100% to main

Om dragonc0
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