California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

ah, ok. low% means beating the game with as little as possible, so it would include no shopping and stuff like that

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

What would low% even look like for this game, I was thinking of the same thing but what about random drops like Bandit's ring from Drake? would using that if you get it back it a +1 item run (worse run)?

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

Well, we made "Addition%" where sachet and total vanishings are allowed. I did two runs second being 11:28. Total Vanishings on Freugel 2 pets and 1x Magician Bogy and Sachet on Jiango and Windigo heart. Also Wing Blaster on Ghost Commander to kill all at once. Haschel+Albert carry the run! Can probably get a 11:15 but need Drake to drop Bandit's Ring

Deathtome tycker om detta
California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

Well those are slow strats anyway, current wonder woman still OP. Bandit's ring doesnt save enough time to warrant wasting time to get it like that. The way I see it any potential use of rewind feature is probably gonna lose time instead of save it.

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

Since the new ports have been patched it is time to decide if PS4/5 needs it's own categories or not.

  1. What are the load times like?
  2. Does everything still work the same? In terms of RNG, mechanics and whatnot.
  3. Are there different ways to cheat the mods need to be aware of?

These are the questions I can think of off the top of my head, but there may be more.

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

Neither of those were overlooked by the TASman. Both are slower 100%

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

Very interesting. Take a look. https://tasvideos.org/7760S

Deathtome tycker om detta
California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

yeah I set it like this, can fit it to screen, I think this looks better though at least on my screen

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

yeah I heard duckstation was faster than console years ago, testing all load times would be sweet, like lasagna tested 90kv77k standard vs smooth graphics recently.

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

FURTHER, it's not too expensive to get everything you need to run on a console (ps2 is the best console ever imo) but still emulator seems fine to me.

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

Also it's pretty easy to clean up stuff from a moderator standpoint on a "smaller" game like this. I was looking at a few things that do seem cluttered and messy. Probably need to clean up stuff at least a little anyway.

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

As far as I know, certain emulators can be faster or slower depending on how you set them up. I personally have no experience emulating this game so I wouldn't know. I see no problem allowing it as long as it's clearly marked which emulator you used.

California, USAblackdeathdoom1 year ago

There ya go, there's a few options, I think this one looks best. What do you guys think?

California, USAblackdeathdoom2 years ago

Every console is different I think. Games any true gamer would have would be like ff9, chrono cross, ect

California, USAblackdeathdoom2 years ago

It seems to have everything to do with the memory card and the data you use to wipe the ghost save data! I have a memory card setup that works for me, with some JP castlevania(?) saves and MMX4. I delete everything on my card and add the same back from another card in a certain order, then delete the MMX4 and one of the castlevania saves and it works every time from New Game! Very confusing!

DoctorSwellman, Deathtome och 2 andra gillar detta
California, USAblackdeathdoom2 years ago

I cannot menu after entering debug room on any of my consoles, I think it's my discs that are the problem for me.

xelastigmo tycker om detta
California, USAblackdeathdoom2 years ago

Time to derust myself, lets break this game

Tested for 4 hours, can't menu after debug room no matter what I try

xelastigmo, Deathtome och 2 andra gillar detta
California, USAblackdeathdoom3 years ago

Figure I'd put this here now. We got some new tech for the Black Castle!

Skip#1 Entrance Guard Skip: Very difficult, quick setup that takes less than 5 seconds. Worth it for potential 40~ second save!


Starting at the bottom of the ladder, move straight up until Dart starts moving right, pause for a second. You should be on the bottom of the light green bar. Now move straight right until the center of the lane, and angle slightly upright and then quickly back downright around the corner and back upright into the corner with the ladder and go up. If you mess it up, they'll catch you at various states of Darts ladder progression.

EDIT: Another Possible setup would be as shown here: https://gyazo.com/78b9d5e0b065ca304b2506b2074e67b6 This ones a bit quicker to set up. What matters most, it seems to me, is getting the guards on the right angle and height.

Skip#2 Elevator Guard Skip: Much less difficult, easy set up with multiple back ups. Worth it for potential 40~ second save! https://gyazo.com/801199996cd0b2aa2b94f700cddd0ded

After going up to see Mr. Magi, come back down the elevator and bait the left guard off the red center carpet as shown, quickly return to the center of the room before entering back into the zone they chase you and run straight up to the elevator. Do not go too deep into the elevator, just enough so they stop seeing you, then HUG THE NORTH WALL (if you leave the north wall AT ALL they will SEE YOU and CATCH YOU!) to the switch, hit the switch, go back to the elevator HUGGING NORTH WALL! This is quickest way to do the trick, if you mess up you can run straight down and try again! Still faster than getting the fight. If you're not fast enough getting back to the elevator, you'll be stuck in the corner and have to wiggle down a bit to get around the right guard, totally fine, still faster than the encounter! Just make sure not to run into them! There is ONE pixel that can softlock the game, you will be STUCK! RIPRUN! So don't cut it too close, if the right guard is almost back to his post after you hit the switch for the elevator, it's safer just to bait them back down again like the initial setup. Note the pixel here: https://gyazo.com/3a8997d7ee027cf70535c2eaa4757ab9

And finally, more knowledge than a skip. The Trash minigame only has FOUR (4) patterns! The rate at which the trash balls fall, however, is RNG. So watch for fast dropping balls! https://gyazo.com/8516adba7b92b2d2f4d8aff4d049396d

All of this technology is thanks to Lasagnaaammm! Dude has been helping us reroute the game recently, saving those precious minutes! Also shoutout to MurisakiBeanz who pushed us to re-examine the entrance guard skip. We had given up testing ways to skip those until he brought this method to our attention!

Deathtome tycker om detta
California, USAblackdeathdoom4 years ago

I see! Thanks for the infos

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