South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

So, Speedrun.com has updated how themes work, and now we can set the icon for 1st through 4th place. I don't know if you want to change that, but I think making it gold, silver, and bronze colored bags could be cool. As for 4th place, maybe just a bell. Not really sure.

I think it would be really cool to change those as well, though. Of course, I'm open to anyone's suggestions.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Ok, favicons have been updated. I fixed both Steam and non-Steam so that they are closer to the dimensions of the character from screenshots. The non-Steam is the main character using the 4-color layout, while the Steam version's is the main character using the 16-color layout.

I think that it looks a lot nicer than the previous favicons. They also have been edited to be 16x16 pictures, which is suggested in the theme layout page. I kept the black background in the favicon since it's hard to see the detail without it.

Let me know what you think.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Ok. I'll use this as a guide then: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Legendary_Pok%C3%A9mon

As for locations (your other post), you can use bulbapedia for those, since I think it's complete, balloon or otherwise.

Hope to be running this game soon :)

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

I have been playing this game since it was gifted, and am considering running it. However, I have a question: What counts as a "Legend"? I see that they are banned and want to make sure I don't use them. Is there an easy way to tell if a pokemon is a legend or not?

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

I'll play around with the 16 bit color idea for the Steam version.

(btw, sorry for the late response. I moved and finally got internet on my computer again)

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Hey everyone! New mod ZZKer here. I've been posting a ton on the Steam version of You Have to Win the Game and have decided to update the themes for the games and Series a bit. I have started by updating the favicons for the two You Have to Win the Game pages and the series page, but was wondering what the favicons should be. Currently, the Steam and non-Steam version are the same, both being the main character. I think they should be different, but not sure exactly what they should be. I made the series the meanie steam emote from Super Win the Game since it appears in both games and is instantly recognizable.

This thread is mostly for ideas on themes for the games, specifically favicon, background, and "Speedrun.com" images (though I think the speedrun.com image is fine). Let me know what you ideas are! I want to hear from the community. :)

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Mario keeps the strat train going! So, in Attic Storeroom, you can drop down from the upper ledge and land on the edge of the spike ledge (similar to the beginner strat for Leap of Faith). From there, you can double jump down to the lower bag. Using this, it is possible to get both Attic Storeroom bags and the Vestibule bag all in a row right before leaving the area. That just leaves the Great Hall bag. However, it only takes 1-2 seconds more to go get that bag when first entering the area (vs just going straight to Hollow King Transformed). Like the previous strategy, Worth It? is gone to when revisiting the area after losing. In total, this saves an additional 4 seconds over the strat I posted 6 days ago, bringing that area to a total of 9 seconds faster than previous routes. Thanks Mario!

MarioBataliJr tycker om detta
South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Cool. Hopefully I can record a run before I move on Thursday. (btw Klashik, your Twitch account doesn't accept messages from people you aren't following ;)

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Spike Entry? Yeah, jumping up the spikes on Which Path. I can write up a full thing later, if you'd like.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

So, I was thinking about doing low% runs (which to my knowledge haven't been done yet) but was wondering what the lowest % is. I managed to get a 27.34%, but didn't do Hollow King Skip so it could be lower, though I don't intend to do lag% tactics any time soon.

Basically, I want to know (without lag tactics) what the lowest possible % is.

MarioBataliJr tycker om detta
South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Mario came up with a slightly faster variation on the Before the Crash death warp. Instead of dw to Before the Crash, dw to Don't Look Down bell and jump up the side. It's possibly slightly faster to jump up the wall than jump across that screen. Also makes any deaths waste less time.

Getting the bags on Vestibule and the bottom of Attic Storeroom is faster after getting the bag on Great Hall before exiting that area instead of getting them when entering by 5 seconds. After getting the bag on Great Hall, jump across the platforms without falling, jump up and get the Attic Storeroom bag, then jump down to get the Vestibule bag and exit the area. Then, get the Worth It? area when getting the Spider Gloves after losing. Slightly more difficult but, like I said, much faster.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Found a 5 second time save. Get the bell on "Before the Crash" Don't get the bell on "Hold On Tight And Don't Look Down" Don't get the bell on "The Coin And The Courage" Get the money bag and then death warp back to "Before the Crash"

Main difficulty with this one is the timing on Don't Look Down since the window for falling is much smaller when avoiding the bell. Missing even once would lose all the time gained from this death warp, so not advisable in races.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

tl;dr: topic for 100% routing ideas for timing purposes. Some ideas that did and did not work below.

So, Mariobatalijr and I have been trying to figure out new routes for 100% to make it faster. Thanks to some efforts, Mario was able to get an amazing time (18:37), but we both think it can be improved even more. Mario has been tossing ideas at me recently, so I figured I'd time some of these ideas. I'm hoping to use this thread to come up with new ideas as a community and test them out for viability. This is a better idea than the guide I tried making that kinda fails on the feed back and idea creating that is needed for finding new routes and trying new ideas.

First off, the two big changes that Mario uses in that 18:37 run are the Forever room death warp and falling from Eden Maw. The first, proposed by Mariobatalijr, saves roughly 18 seconds total, with timing taking into consideration all time spent on those screens, amount of time to get across the map, and the time spent getting the Don't Go Left screen. The second, proposed by myself, saves 15 seconds (mostly due to walking back to that area) but requires the player to do Spike Entry. In attempts of this route, Spike Entry can be gotten within 3 tries, with failed attempts losing 3-6 seconds. Timing takes into consideration time to walk back vs falling, as well as time to do Spike Entry vs Leap of Faith.

Today, I tested out an idea Mario had for getting 4 of the 5 bags below Green Man immediately after getting Spring Boots, and death warping after getting the 5th up to "Which Way". In testing, I found it to be slower by 1-7 seconds, even with some mistakes on the current route. This timing factored in the time to complete all given screens in the area. This timing did not factor in time spent avoiding bells on the second pass through Green Man.

While the idea above didn't work, I thought, "What if you dodge all the bells on second pass and death warp on the spider back up to the surface?" Trying that showed that death warping back to "Which Way" would save roughly 5-8 seconds (the time to jump back to the portal - the time difference on a small route change). The player, when going to Green Man for the second time, would get the bell on "Which Way" and avoid all other bells. While, this is possible, there are two bells that can cause trouble on Aqueous Humor and Forgotten Tunnels. Instead of going into Forgotten Tunnels from the top, the player would have to go through the Green Man screen and enter through the right. Then, they would have to jump over the bell at the bottom of Forgotten Tunnels twice in a row to get that bag. Hitting a bell at any time wouldn't be too bad as you can default to the old route and go through the portal (which would take 10 seconds). Hitting the bell on Forgotten Tunnels after going around would waste an additional 2 seconds spent entering from the right rather than the top.

If you have any other routing ideas, please feel free to post them here. I can get around to timing them eventually, but feel free to time them yourself as well. The biggest time saves will be ones the involve bell death warping or that skip long segments of walking.

MarioBataliJr tycker om detta
South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Just found out that the timer is going during the intro cut scene. My 21:26 watches it, with the finish time of the video being about 21:29 (3 seconds for initial menus). So yeah, never watch that cut scene. I thought I'd be classy by having it at the start of my run. Now I know I've been wasting close to 15 seconds per a run by watching it. :(

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

So I read over some of the guide and finally have some feed back. It's a good start so far. I think stills from the game with indicators of approximate locations to jump would be helpful, specifically for bridge and bullet hell sections. Bridge becomes so much easier when you know how to line it up. I'll look into making some stills later.

I also would like to note that tree entry can be done without triple jump. While I'm sure you know this, the guide currently makes it sound like triple jump is necessary for it to work.

As far as explaining specific tricks, I'm not exactly sure how to go about it. I think that those things can really only be taught with commentated video. The most helpful thing that could be put into the guide would be routes, individual screen routing, explanations of the different categories, and version differences between Steam and non-Steam. I'll try to help out where I can, but can only help so far since I only play the Steam version.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Ok, currently there are insufficient rules for the 100% category for the Steam version. The biggest thing currently wondered is the use of the kill command, since it is used in the "Lose" room in the current runs posted.

Is it acceptable to use the kill command in 100% runs? And if it is not, is it ok to use the kill command just for the Lose room? Should the use of commands be a separate category like it is in the non-Steam version?

I personally think that it should be allowed, as it makes the run faster and the route more interesting. However, I can understand if others have different opinions.

I'd really like it if all the current moderators pitched in their opinions on this. Anyone else running this game should voice their opinion as well.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Ok, I just looked it up and found conflicting information but whatever. I have the list now. For anyone else that stumbles upon this and wants to know, I believe the endings required for this run are the red circles on this chart (http://thestanleyparable.wikia.com/wiki/Endings?file=LHrOq-1-.png), sans Art since it takes 4 hours. The wiki page that chart also lists other endings (listed on the chart in orange) that aren't considered the final ending for some reason? I don't know.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

I've been running any% with the cat and wondering if anyone else wanted to run this. I'm thinking it could be a misc category, but think it only worth it if more people ran it.

The main difference with the cat is its hitbox. Other than that, it's almost the same run.


South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

This is a pretty cool idea. Totally down for this.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

A route guide would probably be the most helpful, followed by tricks. Maybe even putting a map into the resources. not sure how easy that would be.

Om ZZKer
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