FranceSenen7 years ago

Hey, we were discussing about how to order this lb on Discord and I thought it might be a good idea to discuss more about it here.

The main points of the discussions were:

  1. Right now there's A LOT of categories, it might be a good idea to either put some into Misc. or to use subcategories.

My suggestion would be to have categories for 1 char / 12 char / Co-op / Unlock all char and then use these subcategories:

  • 1 char -> any% / all area / captain
  • 12 char -> any% / all area
  • Co-op -> 2 players / (3 players?) / 4 players
  • Unlock all char

(Edit: also the NTT fans around here could argue in favor of a NTT subcategory. Which would be perfectly fine imo.)

  1. Several people are discouraged to post their run here because only your best char counts. This leaderboard is basically a Steroids leaderboard.

With 12 different characters in the game I'm not sure it's an easy problem to solve because each solution has pros and cons but we could at least talk about them.

i) We could create 12 subcategories, one for each char. That'd create a lot of subleaderboards and most of them would be mostly empty at first. But that could motivate people to compete on other characters and submit runs that aren't Steroids.

ii) Alternatively, we could keep character played as an option but also enable it as a subcategory. We would keep only one leaderboard that way, but your pb for each character would appear in it and you can filter by character within two clicks. There's a risk of flooding the leaderboard if everybody start uploading their pb for all 12 characters, but I'm not convinced it would be that bad. And if it comes to that, then that'd mean we have plenty of runs for each char and we could switch to the "12 subcategories" alternative.

To give examples, first possibility is used by the Enter the Gungeon community: Second community is used by the Resident Evil 4 community: (see how ROTO has two runs in there, one with 60FPS, one with 30FPS)

(Edit: done.)

Zigouigoui tycker om detta
FranceSenen7 years ago


So, some members of the Ultime Décathlon community have done a race on Aladdin yesterday and two of them skipped the desert level.

We tried to look on the internet but found no mention of this skip so we guessed it was something new and unknown and after quite some time we (mainly Psychowse) have managed to find a way to do it consistently.

The steps required for this skip:

  1. You need to change the default binds to C/A/B instead of B/A/C
  2. Then you need to wait for the game to show the demo of Abu's minigame with the pots falling from the sky. The demo actually plays prerecorded inputs and since you've changed the binds, Abu will jump instead of slashing his sword and that will end this level, start the following cutscene and then loads the desert level.
  3. Once it's done, you quit the demo, start your run and play the game. At the end of level 1, the game will load the level 3, skipping the level 2 entirely.

You can watch it explained and shown here (in french).

Since the RTA timing starts after the main menu, I guess it should save time for all categories. :)

just_tako tycker om detta
FranceSenen8 years ago

Hi. So I was learning Messenger Ending for the 12 Hour Challenge, and I manage to do pretty much everything except for The Right Angle statue jump. I get it so rarely and I can't manage to find anything consistant enough. I've drastically reduced my resolution for this jump alone and that makes it a bit easier, but I still spend minutes on it. Any advice or possible backup?

FranceSenen8 years ago

Ok, so NTT is a hack that doesn't use the current NT build (or at least modify some stuff, even in single player mode). So... why is this allowed for solo categories?

The last two runs that Tommydestroyer has submitted in All Areas have been made with this mode and have been validated as WRs at their time. Why? Some of the fix made in this hack make the run easier (portal always spawning on you makes for less reset in Deserts, weapons behaviour has been improved significantly, etc) or at least different (statues no longer absorb rads before they're open, etc). It's not the same game and it's not an official release. I see no reason to accept a run made with this in the leaderboard. Except for the coop leaderboard, ofc.

Also, to be clear, S6kana has just beaten Tommydestroyer's current wr, so it's the perfect time to open the debate, as there is no bias. S6kana's new wr (that should be submitted/accepted soon enough) has been done with the current version of the game.

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