British Columbia, CanadaPwnyboy7 years ago

I think running the game would be a lot more pleasant if we collectively agreed to not use potions. I also think it'd be a little less awesome sometimes.

I can go either way. It certainly would increase consistency, but then it'd be a new thing and whatnot. Maybe Shame's got the right idea tacking it on to 1.6. Like I said though, I can go either way.

British Columbia, CanadaPwnyboy7 years ago

I'd be a fan of a speedrun utility bundle that didn't include cheats.

I don't think I'm a fan of running a hack that lets us walljump in 1.6 though, it feels arbitrary. I'll probably just keep running 1.5.

Also you're probably right Jeezo, it'll be easiest to bring people in if it's accessible. I don't know how many people run glitchless though.

British Columbia, CanadaPwnyboy7 years ago

We have a lot of people in Discord, I'll see if I can talk people into being more active here when there's an issue to discuss. With so few people offering solid opinions, it's a dangerous line for those of us who do speak up. I certainly don't want to dictate policy for everyone without their input.

We have to keep in mind the Vermintide 'community' didn't exist until a couple weeks ago. Fatshark by virtue of their design philosophy made it a necessity to be insular and secretive regarding tricks. People ran as individuals or small groups, did their own things quietly, something like centralized categories could not exist easily. With 1.6 closing the door for all intents and purposes on any% people are coming out of their corners to share stuff now. With the devs tentatively offering a 'speedrun build', we have an incentive to show real interest. I hope more people do.

Wouldn't hurt if you came back and ran too BNH. =P

I guess the essence of what I'm saying is, keep in mind that people in this 'community' are used to not speaking up, and not sharing.

British Columbia, CanadaPwnyboy7 years ago

I was simply pointing out that your experience in this game is enormously limited compared to the people playing it now. You quit playing it a long time ago, you have less playtime, and your knowledge of the game is incredibly out of date. This isn't an insult, it's just the way it is. It's also something you can fix if you want to, but I understand if you don't. It's a limitation you're going to have to work around, probably by listening to people like Jeez0 who know what's up.

You're entitled to continue working with us if that's your pleasure, but then the onus is on you to be responsive to the needs of the community that exists for this game. Heck, I'm happy if you're willing to do it, because I don't want to. I respect you taking time out of your day to help us. But that does mean you're beholden to our needs, not vice versa.

So long as you continue to be constructive and helpful you'll get no complaints from me.

As far as me doing research on other speedrunning communities, that's completely irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. I will do so if and when I become interested in running another game, and at that point, only as far as that game is concerned. I don't begrudge you attempting to use other communities as a template for this one initially, but if and when this game's needs deviate from other games standards, I don't expect to have to bend to fit the mold of a bunch of people who don't even know we exist, or care. If that means that this board isn't for me, then fine. I'll continue doing what I do without using this site, just as we've been doing for the last 6 months.

That's my way of saying you don't get to use 'other speedrunning communities do X' as an excuse for acting contrary to our expectations, by the way. Though I can't imagine there are very many situations where this applies. So certainly you won't bring it up again. =)

I look forward to you working with us in the future.

British Columbia, CanadaPwnyboy7 years ago

Jeez0 can probably do the heavy lifting with some help, BNH. It's unreasonable for us to expect someone with little experience in the game to be able to handle our needs.

Individual levels are by far the most active and approachable categories for people. The web page should reflect this. As we're actively trying to get and keep people interested, burying times behind a layer of web page isn't optimal for our needs at the moment. We are legitimately trying to make this game a fun environment, and I'm sure you're the kind of person who can appreciate that. :D

There's still a fair amount of work to be done. Rules need to be updated for sure. We need to decide whether any% is still worth running with some stuff that's been discovered. Questions about bot warping and macro use need to be answered with some kind of uninimity. These are things we will deal with, we neither expect, nor want you to do things for us. As far as I'm concerned you're not obliged to us. Feel no guilt in taking a step back.

Regarding boons, it's absolutely unenforcable, but the community is small enough right now that I think honor system's good enough. Make it against the rules, and ask people to be decent human beings. If they don't, then so be it. They can trade their integrity for a small increase in completion times. It's similar with macro use. How can I say whether Jeez0 macroed his well watch? I trust that he didn't, but if he did it can't be proven one way or the other. I'm just happy people are running at all.

Om Pwnyboy
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Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
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