Texas, USAOminous6 years ago

I have pretty decent settings for shadowplay, but everyone on the site seems focused on OBS. Are speed running components (live split, uploading streams, etc.) the same with shadowplay or will I need to switch software?

Texas, USAOminous6 years ago

Hey, so I only play a select few games, but I figured if I wanted to branch out I’d want to try and pick up speed running. Software runs fine and all I just don’t know what to play, so I’d pick up recommendations if y’all are willing. I kind of like strategy games more than button mashing games and pattern memorization (die/try), if that would help.

This community seems very welcoming and large, so I hope I can find a spot in here, but thanks for reading I guess :)

Om Ominous
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6 years ago
6 years ago